Where Was Blue Summer Filmed?

“Between tastes and colors the authors have not written”, this popular saying shows that everyone is free to decide what they like or not. No one can determine it for us. It is an innate right. It may persuade us to experience something new, but if we don’t like it, nothing else can be done.

This happens with everything, with the type of clothes we wear, the food we eat daily, the music we listen to, the job we like to do, the people we socialize with, the one we choose to be our romantic partner., the movies we watch, etc.

It may be that for someone it is “bad” or “boring” something that we find very entertaining. The variety of tastes is determined by our family background, our life history, the places we frequented in our childhood, the smells we perceive, the flavors we taste, among many other sensory experiences.

There may have been someone in our family who was fond of reading. If we had direct contact with that person, it is most likely that he has influenced our literary tastes in one way or another. The same goes for other hobbies.

Some people are very entertained by watching movies, while others enjoy series more. These help them stay on the lookout, even if they are much longer in duration.

On the other hand, among the television programs we also find different genres. Some are romantic, others dramatic, there are horror, suspense and comedy.

Regarding this last category in particular, we would like to talk in this article about a Spanish television series called Verano Azul.

In this condensed article, you will be able to find out which were the places that were used for its filming. Let’s see…

  • Instructions

Verano Azul was a Spanish television series that was produced in the 1980s by Antonio Mercero. This series narrates the adventures of a group of friends, of various ages, who spend their summer vacations in a place on the Costa del Sol.

Since it is about the experiences of this gang mixed in sex and age, it was very well received by the young public of the time, who still remember it with great nostalgia.

Among its main people were Antonio Ferrandis, who was an old sailor who lived in his ship stranded on land; Julia, a very lonely painter who was on vacation in the town, in addition to the children who made up the gang of inseparable friends.

But where was this series shot? … Filming began long before the series came out on the Spanish television screens, on August 21, 1979 in Nerja. Exactly one Tuesday, with the second chapter of it. Which lets us see that it was not recorded in chronological order.

The large beach, where the young people and their parents were, is called Burriana beach and it should be noted that it still exists today.

The popular Calahonda, we can find it when going down the steep one that is located on the left side of the Balcón de Europa, which is the same one that appears in the series. On the other hand, the Chiringuito de Ayo also exists today.

Now, the Frasco tavern is currently known as El Molino and you can find it on Calle 4 San José.

The apartment where Beatriz and Tito’s parents lived is located on the outside of some buildings on Frigiliana Street. While Desi’s house is located on Calle Europa, 31.

The port that appears in the first chapter is in Granada, since Nerja does not have a port. As for the boat, it was exactly as it appeared in the series and was located in an orchard on Burriana beach, which still exists and belongs to the family of the town.

As we have noted, most of the locations that were used for the filming of the series exist today. But what else do you need to know?

  • What do you need

Why was Nerja chosen if another location could have been used for filming?… One of the main reasons was that, according to the national meteorology institute, Nerja has 300 days of sunshine during the year and, given that the The theme is related to summer vacations, that made it the ideal place, although many of the scenes were recorded in other seasons of the year, even in winter.

On the other hand, Nerja is the place with the highest number of UFO sightings in all of Spain, which is why a chapter of the series is dedicated to this subject.

Now, if you got to see this series, you will surely want to relive the good times you had with it. In the next subtitle we will be explaining what you can do for it. So pay close attention.

  • Tips

If one day you visit Nerja, you have the chance to take part in an exciting guided tour of the places where the series was filmed. In fact, who directs this visit is the actor Miguel Joven, “Tito” in Verano Azul.

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