How To Weave Macrame

If you are a bohemian person, a lover of art and handmade things, you will surely feel very attracted to the handicrafts that are generally exhibited in tourist sites.

When we talk about handicrafts, we are not only referring to figures made with ceramics. Within this category you can find a lot of variety. For example, the pieces of clothing made by hand, indigenous objects and costume jewelry.

We even tend to give a special value to what others have made with their own hands. Even if they are not completely finished, what we appreciate is the time and dedication that others have invested to produce a unique piece.

This is the case of objects with macramé fabric. Have you heard about this fabric? Maybe yes, only to artists who sell their pieces in public market places. But have you ever wondered if you could knit one yourself?

As complex as it may seem to you, others also learned from scratch. Also, practice is what makes perfect. If you put enthusiasm and apply yourself to the task, surely in the blink of an eye you will already be considered a true craftsman.

Would you like to create your own pieces, show them off and, why not, market them? Perhaps until now you had underestimated the amount of money that you can get working from the comfort of your home.

You don’t have to invest too much time or resources, since macramé has several styles. You could start from the most basic and diversify it, if you want to be original. But if you are one of the people who likes challenges, then you can increase the difficulty and become a true artist.

How to weave macramé, let’s start this new adventure.

Instructions for weaving macramé

  • Macramé is an art that is many years old and has passed through many cultures, some of which used it to decorate curtains or furniture in their homes, while others chose to use it to decorate their clothes.
  • This technique consists of weaving and braiding threads through different knots that form a pattern using your hands. Up to this point it might seem like a piece of cake. However, the degree of difficulty increases when the patterns are more intricate.
  • But don’t be discouraged. Today we will be giving you simple instructions so that you can weave macramé bracelets with a flat or square knot, as it is also called. This knot can be very versatile, so if you learn the technique well, it can serve as a basis for devising new designs. Let’s start…
  • Cut 60 centimeters of the thread that you like the most. You can use mouse tail, snakeskin or any other that is of your preference. Then, cut another strip but this time about 200 centimeters long.
  • After you have both strips cut, fold them in half to form a kind of loop or oval. Join them by making a simple knot with a space of about two centimeters from the tip down.
  • Take into account that when weaving, the two short threads should be on the inside, while the two long ones are on the outside. Take the long thread from the left side and pass it over the two short threads, which we will call Guides.
  • When you have passed them, you will notice that they will form a kind of P. Take the thread on the right and place it on top of the thread that you just crossed. Take the end of that same thread and pass it under the guide, so that it comes out the other end and gently squeeze.
  • Now, you will have to repeat the procedure on the other side and so on until the fabric is completely finished, all that remains is to place a brooch and a ring on the other end to be able to use it. Although if you prefer it more handmade, you can make a small bow using the ear that was left on top and the strips that were left over from the guide.
  • This fabric can be used to make other variants of macramé bracelets such as the twisted knot.
  • On the other hand, maybe you are wondering what are the materials you need to be able to make a bracelet with macramé fabric. Don’t worry about it, since right now we will be specifying the things you need so that you can get down to work and show off your creations. Pay close attention to see what things you have at home.

What do you need to weave macramé?

  • To start your business you do not need too many things. As you come up with ideas and gain customers, you can increase your capital by buying a variety of colors and textures for your fabrics.
  • All you have to do is buy black thread, which is the one in greatest demand, and another of the color you prefer. If you are not very good at calculating, it will be essential for you to have a tape measure. Usually at home we have one, especially if you still live with your parents.
  • In order to be able to work more comfortably, you can locate a board with a hook. It will be very helpful to you, since all you have to do is fix the threads on the table so that you can weave without fear of the threads rolling or becoming unattached.
  • Also, if you prefer, you can use some masking tape to secure the guide strings to prevent them from moving. On the other hand, you will also need a lighter and scissors, for what? Obviously, the scissors to cut the thread and the lighter to burn the ends.
  • If you do not burn the ends of the threads, it will be much more difficult to weave the knots. We even run the risk of it fraying and losing the material. So it’s better to be safe than sorry. After all, these are things that we have in our house and that will not represent an additional expense.
  • Since this is a completely new technique for you, it will take time and a lot of patience to master it perfectly. Things may not go well at first or may not meet your expectations. However, you should not give up.
  • Try again and again, remember that practice makes perfect. Even if you don’t have assignments, practice, practice, and practice again.

Tips for weaving macramé

  • One of the most important tips we can give you, when weaving macramé, is to find a quiet place and, preferably, do it on a table. In this way you will have more comfort when working and you will be able to monitor your posture.
  • We say this because performing repetitive manual tasks, like this one, can cause back discomfort, but this is due to the bad posture that we usually adopt. If you work in a chair that has a back rest, you’ll end up less exhausted.
  • On the other hand, try to concentrate. It’s easy to lose the knitting sequence, and when you least expect it, the pattern will be altered and you’ll have to undo what you knitted. That is, it will have been wasted time.
  • As you gain experience, the difficulty of the fabrics increases. The more complex the macramé weave, the more attention-grabbing it will be. Remember that you can not only use them as accessories, they will also be useful to decorate some of your clothes or even tablecloths, curtains and cushions.
  • If you wear glasses, work with them. Otherwise, your eyesight could suffer further damage. If you have perfect vision, don’t trust yourself. Work where there is good lighting or preferably in the day to avoid straining your eyes.
  • You can really enjoy what you do. Manual activities are a source of liberating stress and tension from day to day. Therefore, do not stay with the desire, learn to make macramé fabrics.

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