How To Paint With Watercolors

Watercolors are a type of painting widely used by Asian artists and from around the world, due to their delicate beauty; countless painters saw in this pictorial technique a subtle way of expressing their ideas using color.

The main characteristic of these paintings is that they are translucent colors that resemble a watery surface. This liquid appearance of color gives watercolor paintings a brilliant reflection that seems to stand out from the canvas because the composition of the watercolor itself is what gives it that bright, watery and at the same time catchy hue, composed of mixed substances made up of a portion Arabic gum, another glycerin and a touch of color.

Painting with watercolors is just as popular as oil painting, but it is an easier way for those amateurs who are new to the fine arts of painting; but above all, watercolors guarantee a subtle painting and safe finishes by mixing colors in which imperfections are not reflected. This is because the aqueous and transparent consistency of these paints allow the painter irregularities in his strokes.

These inconsistencies in the lines of the drawings are not imperfections, they are part of the same watercolor technique. Watercolors come in different presentations for use: cream, like a dry paste; in dehydrated and liquid tablet. There are also watercolor pencils, which are the most appropriate for those who start their learning process.

Also, you have to know that water is an irreplaceable element in the art of watercolor. Both in the tube, dehydrated tablet and pencil versions, you must mix them with water to create the aqueous effect; otherwise, watercolor will be of no use. Even when painting with watercolor pencils, blend with a wet brush when you’re done.

If what you want is to learn to use this wonderful painting technique, by reading this post you will be able to do it, because below we show you some simple techniques so that you can learn to use watercolors and create wonderful works of art.

Instructions for painting with watercolors

The first thing you should keep in mind before starting in the art of painting with watercolors is the following:

  1. The intensity of the colors will depend on the amount of water you add to the watercolor.
  2. Remember that these compounds are diluted with water, the more liquid you use the translucent effect will be greater.
  3. The tools you use to paint will also influence the effect of the coloring and its intensity.
  4. The most used utensils or tools are sponges, brushes, some cloth and even your fingers.

So that your first experience painting with watercolor to be satisfactory, you must know how to dilute it.

We teach you how:

  1. Whether you use tubes of watercolor paste or have a dry watercolor palette, you need running water.
  2. A lot of water, so bring a couple of liters to your workplace.
  3. Squeeze the tubes with the watercolor paste into a palette, each color separately, but leave gaps. Those spaces without paint will help you create more shades of watercolor by adding water and mixing colors.
  4. Mix shades, creating colors, and superimposing colorations without completely invading the color are the advantages of watercolors.
  5. Before you start diluting the watercolors, you need two glasses; In each one, pour a little of the water that you previously looked for. A glass with water will be to dilute the colors of the watercolors in the palettes and the other glass will be used to clean the remains of the previous color, when you are going to use another color.
  6. The process described above is to be used with your watercolors in tubes, for those that come in dry tablets it is easier, since this version comes directly in a package with each separate color, which you do not need to pour into a palette.
  7. To start using colors, soak the brush in water and hydrate the watercolor paste or tablet.
  8. Repeat this process until the mixture is thin enough for you to paint easily.
  9. If you want to make new colors to paint you just have to mix the ones you have.
  10. Also, if what you need is to lighten or darken a tone, it will depend on the amount of water you use.
  11. To use new colors, wash the brush and pat dry before soaking in another watercolor.
  12. Now, you only need a canvas, or a sheet of cardboard or paper to start painting your creations.

Your first brushstrokes with watercolors

  1. All your watercolor paints are hydrated and you just have to start painting.
  2. Since this is your first time using these paints, let the brush roll over the sheet without forcing it too much.
  3. You should be well acquainted with the lightness of watercolors before starting an accurate drawing.
  4. Start by making asymmetrical stroke mixing colors and creating new shades in a gradient rainbow; then, you will see the magic of the color of the watercolor, which shines through the tones to give them a certain crystalline appearance.
  5. The intensity of the colors will be your choice, the more you highlight the darker the tone will be.
  6. Remember that watercolor always retain that watery aspect, so even if you emphasize a lot, the colors will not darken like other types of paints.
  7. After you are familiar with watercolor paints, start creating your new work.

Also draw with watercolor pencils

  1. The technique is basically the same as coloring with normal waxes.
  2. Make a sketch of your drawing and then color it with the watercolor pencils.
  3. After you finish painting comes the part of moistening the canvas, to give the touch of watercolor.
  4. Soak a brush in waterand run it over the surface of the drawing, making sure strokes.
  5. Apply water with the brush until you obtain the watery appearance of these paints in the degree that you prefer.

Two techniques for the use of watercolors

  • Wet on wet: it is about moistening the paper on which it is going to be painted with watercolors.
  • Stenciling: Dip a toothbrush with watercolor, and scratch on paper to create a sparkling effect.

What do you need to paint with watercolors?

  • Watercolors in their various presentations: in tubes, dry paste and pencils.
  • palette to spread the watercolor in a tube.
  • Sheets of cardboard or paper to paint.
  • Brushes of different sizes, sponges and painting cloth (optional), and a toothbrush.
  • Water.

Tips for painting with watercolors

Painting is one of the most relaxing activities that exist, as it leads people to their balance and harmony. You must take into account when painting with watercolors that the composition and consistency of this paint is different from other paints more traditionally used in daily uses; so when you have your first experience with these materials you must be a little patient.

The watercolors spread on the paper according to their line range, so you must take care of your brushstrokes if you want a more exact finish, do not impregnate the brush or sponge with too much liquid because it will spread. Below, we offer you these simple tips to make your experience with watercolors a rewarding one.

Just let the brush strokes flow and let the subtlety of color define your watercolor paintings.

  1. If you don’t have a palette to mix your watercolors, you can use coolers to make cubes, they are perfect for mixing the colors.
  2. Pour the amount of watercolor that you are going to use, do not put more than necessary on the palette so that it is not wasted.
  3. If you get the paper too wet it can break, so try to be very tactful when replicating your watercolors.
  4. If the paper has wrinkles, the watercolor will accumulate in those folds, try to keep the paper smooth while you paint.
  5. Constantly change the water where you wash the brush when it becomes very dark, that could stain your drawing.
  6. Aside from brushes, sponges and rag pieces also work great for painting and blending shades.
  7. In addition, there is a special paper for painting with watercolors that allows better drying of the paint.

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