How To Make Your Halloween Pumpkin Last Longer

Halloween has become a highly renowned festivity in various parts of the world, also known as the day of the dead or witches in some nations, this party has transcended much further, something very traditional to do in homes during this period, consists of decorating pumpkins, this consists of giving the pumpkins a face, according to the preferred design, this of course after emptying all their contents, since once the external structure is made, a lantern or some kind of lantern is placed inside lantern, there are those who use a candle, the objective is to turn it into a kind of lamp, it is something really very striking, and the designs that can be made with pumpkins are becoming more and more diverse, something very beautiful to admire. But, there is an inconvenience that has arisen with this festivity, and it is to achieve that the pumpkins last a while longer, but like any fruit or vegetable, the pumpkin, when harvested, begins to deteriorate quickly,if it is not well refrigerated, and of course, during all of Halloween you cannot keep it in the fridge, otherwise, what would be the science of making it, the point of the case is that many times, they spoil, long before the festivity ends, and It is not the idea, because if all the families that join this traditional decoration want something, it is that their pumpkin last throughout the time that they are carried out, because if not, they will have to make a new one, and not It is the ideal, it implies more work, and even expense, for this reason, we want to help you simplify this activity, the objective is that you make a beautiful pumpkin, that you make as much effort as necessary, because it will be worth it, since it will last you until a little more than expected, How will I achieve it? Surely you are wondering, it is very simple, you just have to follow the instructions and practical advice provided here, they are very simple and if I can assure you of anything, it is that they will be very useful.

What do you need to make your Halloween pumpkin last longer?

  • Pumpkin

Instructions to make your Halloween pumpkin last longer

  1. Experts say that the key point to achieve a longer duration of the pumpkin is to choose the ideal one, the freshest, that is, knowing how to select when they are at the indicated point, for example, it is assumed that those pumpkins that have a uniform orange color, they are perfect, but the opposite occurs when it has orange parts and green parts, in this case, the result will be a more accelerated decomposition of it. Apart from the color, you must also take into account the state in which it is found, if when buying it it has beaten or broken parts, its duration will not be the same, so be calm and patient, and buy the pumpkin that in all these aspects be perfect.
  2. Something that you should also consider, is the time to prepare the pumpkin, maybe you are very excited for the festivity, and you want to do your decoration very early, but take a little more time, once you take out all the contents of the pumpkin, its decomposition process will begin, so wait for the right moment to do it, and if you want to decorate your house, then make some painted pumpkins, and not like the traditionally carved ones, and the latter, prepare them at the last moment.
  3. A technique that allows the duration of your pumpkin, even after carving, is to apply a layer of paint before preparing it since this works as a protective layer. Likewise, for as long as you have the pumpkin at home, place it on a suitable surface, such as cardboard for example, it can help it stay fresh a little longer, do not leave it in a place where it comes into contact with high temperatures, the heat in these cases does not help you.
  4. There is a widely used mixture, as a moisturizing process and for the sterilization of the gourd, it is very effective, to slow down its decomposition process, to prepare it, place bleach in water, and once you have previously cleaned the gourd, and emptied its contents, place it in a sufficiently large container, with this liquid, let it soak for a while, to prevent it from rotting very quickly, or from the appearance of unpleasant mold. You can also use chlorinated water, if you don’t exactly have bleach, this also helps to moisten the pumpkin.
  5. Placing layers of glue, or Vaseline, on the pumpkin once carved, also serves as a protective layer, which prevents its rapid decomposition, this is, in essence, sealing the cut part of the pumpkin, with the mentioned materials, so try it, you will see that its duration will be extended for some time, and the illusion of the festivity will not end so quickly.
  6. Try to keep the pumpkin in a place where it is fully exposed to solar radiation, because heat accelerates the decomposition process, and this is definitely what we want to avoid.
  7. Other care that you can take is during carving, remove all the contents, very carefully, but make sure that none of the pumpkin pulp remains stuck inside it, since if this happens, the pumpkin will be more prone to develop mold, which helps it decompose quickly.
  8. Your last alternative to always have a fresh pumpkin like new, if you do not want to have to do so much care, is to place an artificial one, you will not have to do much work with it, but it is your decision, you are the one who is going to have it.

Tips to make your Halloween pumpkin last longer

  1. For the preparation of your pumpkin, and even when you go to buy it, take your time, this is if you want to have the ideal pumpkin at home, the most perfect, for carving and painting, make an effort, and from the beginning apply these care, to how long this can last.
  2. There are many stores specialized in items for Halloween decoration, you can go to them with time, and buy a pumpkin preserver, with these, you can spray it, when you have prepared it, obtaining excellent results in the conservation of these, generally they last 1 week, or is it the approximate number, with these conservatives, you will have achieved extra days exhibiting your pumpkins.
  3. Cleaning can be key, so do it carefully, use damp cloths to remove all impurities, but then dry it completely, removing any residue that may be on it, you will be reducing the chances of mold appearing on it.
  4. When you carve the pumpkin, do it carefully, unnecessary cuts speed up the decomposition process, therefore, always draw the model of the face you want to carve, and make the cuts guiding yourself with it, so you will avoid mistakes and unwanted cuts, and remember to moisturize or seal those cut edges, so the decay doesn’t get here so fast.
  5. If you place a candle inside the pumpkin, you should ensure that it is sufficiently ventilated, otherwise what you will achieve will be to overheat the pumpkin, and this will be negative, since it will make it very soft, deform it, and even contribute to its decomposition. so take forecasts with this.
  6. Finally remember, for perfect pumpkins, carry out adequate care, do not expect better results, if you carve it to get by.

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