How To Make Wool Dolls

Crafts made with wool are very simple and entertaining. We will teach you how to make these nice wool dolls to which you can give your special touch: a variety of colors, clothing, hair, boys or girls, peasants, etc. Depending on the accessories you want to place on them, you can give them a different personality. You can also make different sizes depending on what you want them for, for example you can make them tiny and give them as a souvenir after your birthday party along with a small memory card. You can make them as gifts in larger sizes or families or simply for yourself, to decorate your room, hang them on the wall or support them on a shelf along with other toys.

We will see how to make wool dolls, what materials you need and what steps you must follow to achieve it. Also some suggestions to make some variations.

What do you need to make wool dolls?

  • Wool remains of various colors.
  • Buttons, sequins, and accessories.
  • Glue, scissors, cardboard.

Instructions to make wool dolls

  1. Making these dolls will not only allow the child to entertain himself and acquire manual skills, but they will also be able to share the time of making them with friends, exchanging creative ideas to make new projects.
  2. A good size to make a doll, at least the first one is about 20 cm tall. To do this you must cut a base cardboard about 20 cm high, the ideal is to make it double (two equal rectangles). Then start winding the yarn around the cardboard, in the longest direction. The amount of turns will depend on the thickness of the wool, if the wool is thick you can do approximately 50 turns but if it is very thin you will have to do more turns. You shouldn’t do it tight especially if the yarn is a bit stretchy because loosening it will shorten it. Also take care of the detail of the amount of wool that you must reserve to make the arms, this is 20% of the total.
  3. Pass a thread of the same color between the two cardboards and tie the upper end, then take the scissors, insert a leaf between the two cardboards, cut the base and remove the cardboard.
  4. Now with another thread of the same color make a knot around what will be the neck of the doll, that is to say that the head should be formed.
  5. To make the arms, repeat the procedure for the body, the base rectangle must be about 12 cm and you must turn it 20 or 30 times. Remove the cardboard and knot near the ends to shape the hands. Pass the arms under the head and make a new knot marking the waist of the doll. That is to say that the arms will be crossing the body. With the scissors, cut the ends of the arms just as we did with the skirt.
  6. Place the accessories you want: you can make the eyes with small buttons, cloth circles, sequins, etc. The mouth can be a small strand of red wool or cut out of red paper or plastic, the hair can be done by gluing yellow or black strands on it. You can put an apron on the skirt, a bib, etc.
  7. If you want to make a doll, you simply have to divide the bundle of wool from the skirt to form the legs and tie the ends to make them look like the feet in the same way that you did with the hands.

Tips for Making Wool Dolls

  • Save the leftover yarn scraps or buy small balls depending on the project you have. You should choose a base color for which you need more quantity.
  • Choose thick yarns especially if you want to make large dolls.
  • Promotes children to make their own toys, the game, in this case, is “build”. In this way, they will value their toys more and will not get tired of using them so quickly.

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