How To Make Fabric Flowers

Fabric is a material that allows you to do countless things; we dress in the fabric, with the fabric we make curtains, tablecloths, and napkins, and with the fabric we decorate a large part of our house. That is why making flowers -a very cheerful and colorful decorative element. With this very useful material for us, it is a very profitable activity, since we will have some wonderful flowers to decorate some space in our house and even to groom ourselves. And it is that if instead of buying natural flowers, we give way to fabric flowers, we will have a decorative element with double added value: while we do it by hand according to our tastes, we will also have fabric flowers that will not wither. Well, making fabric flowers is a craft that goes beyond the simple activity, since the result will be an individual flower or a bouquet ideal to place in vases, in centerpieces, on shelves, and even in our hair. or in the pocket of some jacket. If you dare to do so, today at we explain how to make beautiful fabric flowers and in a very simple way.

What do you need to make fabric flowers?

  •  Fabric -you can choose patterned or plain and the type according to your tastes and preferences-, buy custom-made fabric at any haberdashery or, take advantage of fabrics you have at home.
  • Pencil -optional-.
  • Scissors.
  • Rule.
  •  Needle.
  •  Thread -recommended the color of the fabric or similar-.
  • Glue or glue -optional.
  • Ideas, taste, and time.

Instructions for making fabric flowers

  1. First of all, you must choose what type of fabric and what shades you want for your flowers. For this, we are going to advise you on several fabric models so that you can choose the one that best suits you. You can choose felt fabric -sold in stationery stores and many different colors, it is easy to cut-, satin fabric -exists in various shades and even with prints, in this case, you can buy it in a haberdashery and it is very cheap-, silk fabric, cotton fabric, shiny fabric, etc. In this case, you can choose to go to a haberdashery and buy a piece of cloth of one or more colors, or you can use a t-shirt, rag, or piece of clothing that you have to throw away.
  2. When you have the type of fabric chosen, we can proceed to cut the fabric to the size we need to assemble the flower. Therefore, you should cut it in a rectangular shape; the measurement will depend on how big you want the flower to be.
  3. Even so, try to make the wide part about 5 or 6 times smaller than the long part. As an example and recommendation, we are going to propose that you mark it at about 5 centimeters wide by about 30 centimeters Once you have marked the measurements with a ruler and pencil; now you can cut. To do this, help yourself with the rule so that the cut is uniform and very straight.
  4. With the strip of fabric already cut, you can start making the flower. To do this, the idea will be that you should go making folds on one side and the other to give it shape. Therefore, the first thing we will do with one of the ends will be the center of the flower; You must make a very small double fold -fold the tip to one side and then to the other side, this first wrinkle must be sewn so that it does not come undone and is forceful. The flower will grow from this center.
  5. From this center, you must fold the fabric in two, that is, close it as if it were a folder. Thus, we will have a rectangle with a double lining. In this case, it will be time to start gracefully winding the fabric around the center of the previously sewn flower. To do this, you can take a pencil or something similar and hook the center of the flower on the tip. In this way, the pencil will serve as a support. And if you want, you can previously paint it green -or the color you decide- and when you have the finished flower it will be the bouquet of your flower.
  6. In this case, with or without a pencil, you can take it from the base and begin to entangle the fabric, circling -always in the same direction- around the center. Above all, you mustn’t let go of the center, since the turns must always rotate on the same axis. In the same way, make sure that the rows in the first place are more continuous and the fabric is taut, but as the flower grows you should leave the fabric looser; this will give a degree of reality to your flower.
  7. The idea is that as you go turning around the center, the cloth itself also turns, that is, you must make the big turn and, in turn, the cloth must turn on the piece of cloth itself. You will see that if you do it gradually and regularly the flower acquires more volume. Thus, you can also play with the double lining, giving it even more volume when you reach the outer petals; Gradually separate the fabric on the outer petals so that a more open flower remains.
  8. Once you reach the tip, you must insert the end from the bottom inside the center of the flower. That is, the two ends will be joined very carefully so that the flower remains intact. Thus, you can give it a lace with the needle and the thread, so that it does not separate. If you consider that the fabric does not fit well, you can also try to tie the last end with an outer petal with glue or some permanent glue.
  9. With this completed, you will see that your piece of cloth has been transformed into a pretty flower.

Tips for making fabric flowers

  • In this other article we also explain how to make a fabric flower for the first time.
  • Choose the pattern that you like the most and the color that you prefer; If you do many you can look to choose two or three colors that combine.
  • There are many ways to make flowers; this is one of the simplest. You can always research and combine techniques to get a better result; dare to innovate

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