How To Make Earrings

One of the most characteristic adornments of a woman, and some men. Earrings are a symbol of body decoration, which are usually placed in the ears from a very young age. Knowing how to do them is a way of learning something new that will be very useful in daily life.

They come in many shapes, and sizes, and are placed in different parts of the body. But this is not an object of contemporary use, its history goes back to the times of the Egyptians. Initially, they were used on the nose, which is why traces of these can be found in princesses and pharaohs of these times.

The antiquity of the earrings is so great that little by little they have evolved, passing through the Greek and Roman civilizations, until reaching what we know today. They have been associated with the fight against evil spirits, with male leadership, and with improving vision.

Different materials can be used to make earrings, depending on the shape you want to give them. Remember that making them in different sizes and at your convenience will help them to be the perfect complement to the different styles you have in your closet. Also, try that you can use them for any type of occasion.

What do you need to make earrings?

  •  a lot of wire
  •  Flowers
  • tweezers or pliers
  • Balls to decorate
  • Pencil
  • Hook to hang on the ears

Instructions for making earrings

  1. Each earring is different. The first thing we have to tell you when making earrings is that each one is no different. Some are more complicated to make than others or with materials that are difficult to obtain, either because of their high cost or because they are sold in special places. So here we will be telling you the easiest ways to do them.
  2. originality. If you are going to make earrings, it is to do them in an original way and completely in your style, so doing the same as what is in the stores does not imply your personal touch (unless you are going to sell them). Think about what different appeal you can give to your different creations and how you can combine them with your day-to-day qualities.
  3. Find the materials. Before starting work you should have everything you can think of that you want to use. In this case, the pliers will be essential, look for one that you have at home that is special for fine wires. From the rest you can have ornaments, beads, and even feathers, everything will depend on yourself.
  4. Also do not forget the special brooches that will vary depending on the type of earring you are going to make. Some are the pressure and others are already to keep them in the pierced ears properly. Remember that every detail they put in will be part of your creativity completely.
  5. Work table. We do not want our accessories to get lost when we are making them, so it is recommended that you have a table or workplace. Also, keep order since you are occupying very small materials that can be lost very easily.
  6. Have some boxes on your table to store those super small objects that you do not want to lose. If you want, divide the materials as you use them and save those that you will not use for a long time. Another advantage of having this special place is that you can return to it every time you want to do things.
  7. The wire. The first thing is to learn to handle the wire, so you have to do very well with the clamp so as not to hurt yourself. There are many types of wire, even those that come colored and ready to be used. Imagine what shape you want to give them to use to hang them on your ears.
  8. After you have that, place a small ornament at one of its ends. For example, if you are making a large earring, you can cut the wire approximately 1 centimeter long and place a small ornament almost at the end of its ends. You close with the clamp so that it does not fall and that’s it.
  9. The ornament can be of any type from a feather, a special figure that you have bought for that earring, or even some smaller hoops. You can also leave the wire shorter and simply glue that special little shape that you want so much to its back end, like a kitten.
  10. If you want greater security you can buy some special hooks that they sell for earrings and simply tie the rest of the wire to it. Placing little balls on them is a very useful idea because they come in quite a variety of shapes and many sizes that you can experiment with.
  11. Add flowers. Another very beautiful and slightly more natural idea is the inclusion of flowers in your earring designs. The wire should be larger in this case, about 30 centimeters will do, of which you will leave a few cm free. Then we will take a pencil and we will twist the rest of the wire around it to shape the petals. In this way, little by little your flower will take shape.
  12. After we have each of our petals, we are going to finish placing a central ornament on the rest of the wire that we had previously left. We give it the shape so that it is right in the center of our flower, being careful that it does not come out. Finally put the hook with which you can put it on and voila you already have other beautiful and very simple earrings to make.
  13. The favorites: the hoops. We could not teach you how to make earrings without taking into account the hoops, one of our favorite designs. The first thing is to cut two wires of the same length, this will depend on the size you want your earrings. Then we will give the rounded shape, you can help yourself with an object, so that the circle is as perfect as possible, like a small glass.
  14. Then one of the ends we are going to close it making a small turn with a clamp of about 90 degrees. Then comes the most creative part, which is to introduce some objects to give them your personal touch, they can be little balls or other things that combine very well with each other so that your design is spectacular.
  15. When you finish placing the ornaments, they can be many or fill the entire ring, we can finish closing the other side as we did with the end. To conclude, you place the hook or whatever you are going to use to adjust it to your ear and that’s it.
  16. Play with the shapes. You can make S-shaped earrings, small or very large. You can also include all kinds of decorations such as stones or some specially designed for this type of function. Experiment and create in your way by making earrings.

Tips for making earrings

  • Don’t run out of ideas. We know that it can be very frustrating not to get that dream earring done at first, but don’t give up! We are sure that you can achieve incredible things with practice with a little effort and dedication.
  • When you learn how to make earrings correctly, you can use them for any type of occasion. You will no longer have to worry that you do not have enough saved, since you will create them to your liking as you need them.

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