How To Make Decorated Leaves

Do you want to make a characteristic decoration and you don’t know how? Do you want to give a fun touch to your vases or centerpieces? With this article, you will learn how to make different types of leaves; which you can use to decorate your vases, your centerpieces, your piñata, or the decoration of your son or daughter’s party.

  • The leaves are very useful and expressive when decorating; they give a natural and fresh touch to the environment of your house. They appear to have a country environment that relaxes people; He moves them in his mind to an outdoor space, even though they are not.
  • There are many materials with which you can make sheets: you can make them with eva rubber, caramel paper, cardboard, bond paper, cork, thick cardboard, fabric, and many, many more.
  • The leaves can be used for many things around the house. For example, you can add the leaves to a vase of paper flowers yourself. You can make vases of pure branches with leaves, make vintage-type decorations with leaves, decorate parties with zoo or jungle motifs with leaves everywhere, and much more.
  • It would be an innovative idea to have a zoo or jungle party. Not to mention, that most children like animals and are very distracted by them.
  • There is no better way to save money than to make your decorations; Your creativity and your hands play a very important role in this because everything you can do depends on them. Stop playing the goat and from today go ahead and make your decorations at home; you save a lot of money and you will have your creations so that you get out of the traditional ways that most people use.
  • Perhaps most people prefer to spend their money in stores. Getting things that you can decorate your home with is common, but chances are you’ll fill your home with repetitive things that everyone else has, and spend money on things that might not be as useful. But come! Here we will show you several useful, economical, and innovative ways that will surprise everyone who visits your home if you put them into practice. Let’s go for it!

Instructions for making decorated leaves

Let’s get to the heart of the matter, we will present you, below, several ideas to encourage you to make your leaves to decorate your home, your centerpieces, or your garden:

Eva rubber sheets

  1. Look for dark green eva rubber. Color that resembles natural leaves, although various shades can be used to make a mixed-color design.
  2. Mark, drawing on the EVA rubber, the leaf with a cocktail stick. You can make different shapes, spikes, and rounds, among others.
  3. You can mark the skeleton of the leaf with the cocktail stick for better detail.
  4. Cut over the entire mark with the scissors.
  5. Put the sheet, for a few seconds, on a clothes iron so that the previously marked skeleton is face to face with the iron, this is so that it bulges.
  6. Remove the sheets from the iron.
  7. You can add a few touches of lighter green or brown paint along the edges with foam rubber or a brush.
  8. Then, you can assemble them and pay them with silicone in your vases. Piece of cake!

Caramel paper sheets

  1. Look for the green candy paper, remember that several shades can be used in the same design to make the colors vary.
  2. Make several squares of the size you want, they can be 10 centimeters if they are small sheets, or 25 centimeters if they are larger sheets.
  3. The model of the decoration depends on the number of frames to be made (The number of frames equals the number of sheets).
  4. Assemble 5 paintings, one on top of the other.
  5. Hold it tight with your hand to prevent it from moving.
  6. Make the shape of the leaf on the first square of paper.
  7. Let yourself be guided by the marked line and cut out the sheet.
  8. You can make a fold in the middle vertically to simulate the structure of the leaf.
  9. You can stick your sheets with vinyl or silicone glue wherever you want.

Cardboard sheets

  1. Look for the cardboard, it can be green to simulate a living leaf, brown to simulate a dry leaf, and yellow or orange to simulate a leaf in autumn.
  2. Make the shape you want with a pencil, it can be round, with open peaks or closed peaks.
  3. Cut with scissors along the entire line.
  4. Fold vertically across the middle of the sheet so it appears to be the skeleton.
  5. You can draw some lines with a colored pencil to imitate their structure.
  6. You can also burn the brown, yellow, and orange leaves a little with a lighter to appear old on the leaf.

Sheets of bond paper

  1. Look for the bond paper, this can be white or light green.
  2. Make the shape you want with a pencil, it can be round, with open peaks or closed peaks.
  3. Cut with scissors along the entire line.
  4. Fold vertically across the middle of the sheet so it appears to be the skeleton.
  5. You can draw some lines with a colored pencil to imitate their structure.
  6. Paint the selvage green or brown for detailing or both.

What do you need to make decorated leaves?

  •  Eva rubber for the leaves.
  • Green candy paper.
  • White and green bond paper.
  •  Green, brown, yellow, and orange cardboard.
  • Primary use materials such as vinyl glue, scissors, and pencil.
  •  Colored pencils or crayons.
  • Silicone.
  • Brush.
  • Foam.
  • paintings.
  •  Clothes iron to bulge the EVA rubber.
  •  Lighter to burn the edges.
  •  Cocktail sticks to mark the EVA rubber.

Tips for making decorated sheets

  • Remember that you will get most of these materials at home, that is vinyl glue, scissors, and bond paper, among others. So you won’t have to spend on things that are worth an arm and a leg and you will demonstrate your skills through your creations.
  • You will not have to buy everyday utensils in stores but they may be very expensive.
  • Make your sheets with the materials you get at home, if you don’t have eva rubber, for example, you can make sheets of caramel paper, or vice versa, so you won’t spend your money on other things.
  • You can substitute the paper to make the sheets for the paper where the loaves come. This will be useful to you and even more if you want to do autumn or old type. This will also save you several euros.
  • Let your hands speak for you and express the highest of your creativity.
  • Remember that these are only models, however, we invite you to create your designs.
  • To make sheets, it is not only with the materials that were mentioned above, but you can also make sheets with magazine paper, newspaper, napkins, cork, kerchiefs, fabric, and much more.
  • These ideas that we present to you are very useful for making the details of floral arrangements in your home, changing the daily use of flowers bought in stores.
  • Apart from the fact that most of the things purchased are repeated in many homes, if you dare you will have unique models with designs that you will make yourself, without having to spend money.
  • Do not throw in the towel, remember that whoever follows it, gets it, if you follow the instructions shown to make the leaves, they will be excellent and you will achieve the goal of making your creations.
  • You will have unique decorations with a particular style. Yours! cheer up!

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