How To Make A Friendship Bracelet

Something very classic between friends is giving each other a friendship bracelet. What is characteristic of them is that whoever gives it away must have made it by hand themselves, if the purchase would no longer have the same value, since, although it is not the best bracelet, the intention is that they have made it themselves.

There are many types of friendship bracelets, from those made with colored threads to the most modern with colored gummies. If there are several friends, the most normal thing is for each one to make the other a bracelet or the same, to be identifying, or a different color, depending on the person, although to make it more special it may be best that both bracelets are the same.

It is very simple, and the do-it-yourself (DIY) technique would be followed, that is, do it yourself. So you can see how easy it is, follow these steps on how to make a friendship bracelet.

Instructions to make a friendship bracelet

  1. Choose the colors with which you want to make the bracelet. Depending on how wide you want it, you can choose from one to as many as you want. Although the ideal is that there are at least three colors so that it is a living bracelet.
  2. Buy the ball in the colors you have chosen and the thickness you want. The ideal would be a medium thickness, otherwise, if it is a very fine thread, the bracelet will break more easily.
  3. Take a strand of thread of one of the colors and stretch the ball from the finger to the shoulder, in this way you will get the measurement you need to wrap the wrist a couple of times, so if it is too big you can cut, but if you cut less and it doesn’t fit on your wrist then you can’t do anything else but throw it away and start over.
  4. Cut the rest of the strands with the measurement of the first so that they all have the same measurement.
  5. Gather all the strands of the different colors together at one of the corners and hold them to the table with a piece of tape so that they do not come loose.
  6. On the table, since you will work with the threads attached to it by the tape so that it does not move, place the colors in the order that you want to make the bracelet and thus you will create a pattern.
  7. If you use, for example, six threads, join them two by two to make them stronger and make a braid with them. Like normal hair: the right side goes to the center, the center to the left, the left to the center, and so on…
  8. When you have done this, the next thing is to tie a knot, which will be close to where you have put the tape and so you will know that no thread will escape.
  9. Make a knot with the thread on the right over the one on the left, and do this same process with the rest of the threads, but always spinning the first one on the right with the rest.
  10. Follow the previous process until you run out of threads, yes, remember that the thread that you must spin is always the one on the right with each of the others and so on.
  11. When you already have the bracelet long enough, stop spinning.
  12. To close the bracelet, in the same way that at the beginning you joined the threads like a normal braid, do the same with this end to close the bracelet.
  13. Add tassels or some small decorations to make the bracelet more original.
  14. At the end of the bracelet tie a knot so that all the braids and knots you have made do not come undone.
  15. Try it on and cut the remaining thread. Now that you have made it, all you have to do is give it to your friend and let them enjoy their friendship bracelet.

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