How To Make A Bouquet Of Flowers With Banknotes

If you want to give money specially, make a bouquet of flowers with banknotes. On special occasions such as weddings, communions, or birthdays, we often give away money. The simplest thing would be to simply give the money, put it in an envelope, or put it into someone’s bank account. But it is much more original and beautiful that you give him the money in the form of a bouquet.

There are different ways to turn a few bills into flowers. In this article, we show you two ways to turn banknotes into flowers, one in the shape of a daisy and the other in the shape of a rose.

What do I need to make a bouquet with banknotes?

The essential material is banknotes. Later you can decorate the bouquet with the materials you want, but here we leave you some suggestions to make a great bouquet of paper flowers.

  • Bills of the amounts you want
  • flowers. They can be natural or artificial. We recommend artificial ones because they will not spoil. So you can make the bouquet in advance.
  • Different types of paper to wrap the bouquet: Pinocchio paper, gift wrap, onion paper…
  • Bows and ribbons to decorate.
  • green wire. If you don’t have this color, you can cover it with green tissue paper.

How do you make a bouquet with banknotes?

Instructions to make a bouquet with banknotes

The first bouquet that we are going to explain is daisies:

  1. To start, choose the tickets you are going to use. For each flower, you must use three bills of the same amount of money. For example, three 20 euro bills. It is recommended that the bills be new. This is because they won’t have wrinkles and you’ll be able to fold them more easily. In addition, the flowers will look better in the final bouquet.
  2. The first step is to fold the bills in half following the longitudinal line. That is, throughout the ticket. Once we have folded it like this, we unfold it. What we are looking for is that the fold mark remains for later.
  3. Now, we fold the four corners of the bill inwards, towards the mark of the previous double. When we already have the four corners folded, we will have to make two more doubles longitudinally. But now, instead of the middle line, the doubles have to be half-doubles. That is, you have to fold the two upper corners and the two lower corners in half. The edge of the folds has to reach the middle line that we had folded before. You will have something like this:
  4. Next, fold the bill along the beginning line and leave it like that. Then do the same procedure with all the remaining bills until they are the same as the first.
  5. When you have them all folded, separate them three by three for each flower. Join the three bills and with a green wire (or lined with green) join them in the center.
  6. Once you have wound the wire well and see that they do not move, separate the bills. You will be left with a daisy-shaped flower. Make other flowers and put them together in a bouquet. Fill with more natural or artificial flowers and wrap them with transparent or gift paper. Decorate the bouquet with some ribbons or bows and you are done.

The next flower that we are going to teach how to make is the rose. If you don’t like how the daisies look too much, you can try these:

  1. In this case, 5 bills are needed for each flower. As we have mentioned before, they should be new so that they look great.
  2. First, we place the bill with the back facing us. In other words, the main face will be hitting the table. The first double that we must do is in half but across the width. Then we unfold it again. As before, what we are looking for is that the mark that will guide us remains.
  3. Now we have to roll the corners towards the center. Do not fold, but roll. To roll them up, we can use a wire or a thick stick so that they are all the same. We can also use a pencil or a pen to do this. We must roll them until they meet in the center. You will have something like this:
  4. Once we have rolled up the four corners, we must make another double along the center line. This double should be perpendicular to the line we made in the first step. The rolled edges should be towards the back.
  5. Now, we must make a pinch in the center of the bill. In this way, the center of the bill will be gathered in the middle fold, while the sides will be around it. The shape that will come out will be similar to a bow.
  6. Next, we make folds from the center, making a cup shape with the sides. The edges of the bill should be pointing up. And we already have the first petal done.
  7. You must make the other four bills following the same procedure.
  8. When you have them all, it’s time to put them together. To do this, we take a thin green wire or one that is lined with green. The wire must be quite long because we will use the same piece to join all the bills and make the bouquet. We take a bill and make a knot with the wire in the center.
  9. Then, we take the next bill and put it under the knot of the first onebut in the other direction. We put the two bills together and with the wire that was left over from the first we make the knot of the second. And we continue like this with the three remaining bills, changing the orientation of each bill to give shape to the rose.
  10. When we have collected all the bills, we make the stem of the rose. We wind the wire to the end and tie a knot so that it does not unwind. And we already have our rose.
  11. Make as many roses as you want and then put them all in a bouquet with other artificial flowers and green colored paper. Make a wrap with a gift or transparent paper. Add bows and ribbons to decorate it and that’s it.
  • It is not so complicated to achieve a beautiful bouquet made from different banknotes. If you want to surprise, this is a good option. The only advice we can give is to make sure that the person who will receive the bouquet realizes that the flowers are made with banknotes. There are clueless people, and we do not want this great detail to be overlooked.
  • From these two flower shapes, daisies and roses, you can make many different creations. In the same bouquet, you can put both types of flowers. You can make the flowers each with a bill and so they will give you flowers of one color. Another thing you can do is put different types of bills in the same flower. As long as they have matching colors, wonderful things can come out. The only drawback, in this case, would be the size. But it’s okay if your flowers are not exactly symmetrical.
  • As you well know, variety is the taste. Do different tests and tell us the result. We hope that this article has been very helpful to you and that you enjoy a lot making these wonderful bouquets with banknotes.

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