How To Knit With Two Needles

For some people knitting is a passion. Many people like to knit (not only grandmas), and if you are one of them then you will surely want to know how to knit with two needles since most people do not know how to do it or find this type of task too complicated. It’s quite simple, it’s just a matter of practice and ” getting the hang of it” on the matter.

There are many reasons why you might want, for example, some women when they are pregnant choose to make clothes for their babies. Other people make clothes for their dogs or cats. Other people just like to have it because they find it fun, stress-relieving, or because we just like this manual activity and want to do it for pure pleasure.

If you are one of those who want to learn to knit with two needles, either because you want to make a sweater because you like this type of fabric, or for any other reason. So here we will tell you some basic things that you should know about knitting that will surely help you improve the quality of your knitting or learn to knit with this type of needle.

Grab your two needles, and a ball of yarn, and let’s get started!

What do you need to knit with two needles?

  • knitting needles
  • Ball of yarn or yarn for knitting

Instructions for knitting with two needles

  1. Let’s start by knowing what is the correct position of the hands and the thread. As you will see, when we use our hands to knit with the needles we have to place them in a very different way than we do when we knit with the hook. The first thing we will do is take the thread which we will place in the left hand passing the thread through the palm and we will only put the thread on the index finger between the middle, on the ring finger, and under the little finger of the hand. In the right hand, we will only hold the thread on the index finger (with which we will stretch it), under the middle finger, between the ring finger and the little finger. The needle is held between the index finger and thumb of the right hand, and on the middle finger between the index and thumb of the left hand.
  2. The next thing is to start making the first stitches on the needles. There are many ways to do this. We ask you to be inspired by the images to understand how they work. If what we want is to make pure chains, then we will have to make a spiral of thread on the needle with the number of stitches that we want to use to start. But if what we want is to make more closed stitches, then we will have to make several intertwined knots on the needle as seen in the images.
  3. Now the next thing will be to form the first fabric. Depending on the design that we want to make and the drawing that we want the garment that we are creating to have, we will do stitches backward or stitches to the right as seen in the images that I present below. As you can see, the amount of stitches on the right side and the wrong side, are the ones that determine the shape that the pattern of the fabric will have.
  4. To make the stitches you only have to pass the thread from one needle to another passing it through all the stitches you have already made and back to the needle, taking turns both. This is the easiest way to create a two-needle fabric, but if you’re looking for something more elaborate, you’ll need to calculate precisely how many purl and knit stitches your fabric will require to form a design. All the designs that you have seen of ajuga fabrics, no matter how complicated they may seem, depend on the number of rows in which you apply stitches to the right side or the wrong side.
  5. For this reason, it will be very important that you be precise at this point and avoid making mistakes when making the stitches, because if a stitch goes wrong and you put a knitted one where it should be a wrong one, you will end up ruining the fabric and you will have to unweave until you reach the site to correct the error, which can be very tiring or cantina. We suggest that you practice with simple stitches until you can control them and know how to do them and in what order according to the type of knitting you are doing.
  6. When what we want is to make a fabric where there are spaces such as those that have the shape of a flower or lace, it will be necessary to make stitches with the thread outside those that we already have integrated into the needles and that are used to go around. Then we will have to integrate them into the fabric and continue with a few turns, repeating this process to obtain the design we are looking for.
  7. When we have mastered this basic technique, we can start with other types of stitches such as the Peruvian stitch, the eight stitch, or the lace and flower stitch. What makes these stitches so complicated is that we have to make stitches on top of others that we already had on the needle and skip stitches in rows to get them. That is why making the loops can be very complicated if you are a beginner.
  8. To knit a Peruvian stitch like the one in the photo, we have to start with a race where all the stitches will be to the right, followed by this we will do an equal one with all the stitches backward. We will go through the fabric without knitting the first stitch ( only the first ), from the second we will make 3 loops. Later we will pass without making the first point again, but this time we will leave it looser. Then with the right-hand needle, we are going to unweave 1 stitch for every 3 loops.
  9. This is when we are going to return the fabric to the left needle and we will knit 1 stitch, followed by purl 1 stitch and another knit stitch before returning the fabric to the right needle. We will repeat the process as many times as you consider necessary and we will end with a point. We will repeat all these races in this order until we obtain the size that you want your fabric to have in length or width.

Tips for knitting with two needles

  • Nothing would make us happier than the fact that these instructions have been of great help to you. We hope that you put into practice everything you learned here and that you learn to knit as you always wanted.
  • Remember that if you want to improve your needlework or learn new styles, there are many tutorials on the internet or right here that you can follow to achieve it.
  • If you have a hard time using wooden or plastic needles, we recommend using thin metal needles to start with, this will make it easier for the thread to slip through. Also, choose a thread that is easy for you to manage.
  • Remember that not everything has to be perfect, especially if you are a beginner, so don’t feel bad if something goes wrong or if you don’t like the first results. You’ll get better with time. In addition, you always have the option of unweaving what has already been woven and starting over.
  • If you notice that the thread rubs and hurts your fingers, you can cover them with adhesive tape to avoid generating blisters.

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