How To Fix Zipper

zipper consists of two pieces of fabric with teeth that can be made of metal or plastic, which are held together using a carriage to close the open space of a garment. There are many types of zippers on the market and even smart zippers, but this time we will talk about the traditional ones.

This piece is typical of many pants, jackets, bags, suitcases , and more. Generally, a zipper opens and closes the pants in the front. Changing or fixing a zipper is difficult for someone who does not know about sewing. It’s not as easy as sewing on a button that fell off, because you have to get it right for it to work.

Finding a clothing mending house or mending company is one of the solutions to the problem so that they can fix your pants zipper for a fairly reasonable price. However, this task you can learn to do this yourself.

What to do when the zipper is damaged?

  • How many times has it happened to you that you go to a party and at the last minute you realize that the garment you chose just for that occasion needs repair? Fixing an item of clothing may not seem so easy; However, when it comes to composing the zipper of your jeans or jeans, in this post we will present you: five very easy ways to do it at home.
  • That from time to time these things happen is something very common. Frequent use of the zipper or a bad pull can damage them in a jiffy and at the worst moment. Sometimes it happens that they unstitch on one side, and the car comes loose or does not want to close again.
  • What to do if something like this happens to you? Before, many people preferred to renew pants with a broken zipper, but after the economic crisis, mending companies proliferated enormously. Despite this, it does not hurt that you learn how to do it yourself so that you can quickly solve emergencies.
  • To learn how to fix a zipper, in this post we will teach you simple tricks that you never imagined, to fix it in less than a minute, without the need for sewing skills or many materials.

Instructions to fix zipper

When teeth don’t meet

When you move the zipper carriage but the teeth do not meet, it is one of the most common problems that occur in bags, but it also happens with pants, because of carelessly closing the zipper quickly, causing continuous wear.

It happens that when you start to pull the cart or slider it opens a little; then, you can’t close well or tighten the zipper teeth enough. Here are some simple steps for you to put into practice when you are traveling or away from home:

  1. Therefore, the first thing you should do is close the bottom side of the fabric strips with your fingers.
  2. Then carefully lower the slider or cart
  3. Then, squeeze the part that has opened a little with pliersor even with your teeth you can apply pressure; if you are away from home and do not have any kind of tool to help you tighten it.
  4. Remember to apply pressure little by little, do not press too much; because if you press too much then it won’t slide smoothly and you could even damage it. You just want to press it enough to properly join the teeth.
  5. Lastly, test it by raising the slider or carriage to to see if you have a good fit.

When the strips separate

When the zipper strips of adjustable pants are separated and the car has been caught on one of them, it seems like a whole roll to be able to fix it. The truth is that it is not like that, you do not even need to know how to sew to solve this problem.

Here are some simple steps to fix a trouser zipper without the need to machine sew or completely replace the zipper:

  1. Make a small cut with the scissors in the strip of the zipper where the car has been.
  2. Take into account that you must leave at least one centimeter of the distance between the end of the strip and the cut; since, if you cut very low, it will be difficult for you to introduce the car.
  3. By separating one of the teeth from the strip, you will be able to insert the car into it.
  4. Then, gently raise the carriage so that the teeth of the two strips meet, closing the zipper.
  5. As the space of the tooth that you have cut has remained, you must give a simple stitch by sewing by hand to create a kind of barrier, preventing the car from coming out again.
  6. So that it does not show, make sure to tie the finishing knot on the inside of the pants and use a thread of the same color as the zipper.
  7. If you don’t have a needle and thread and you’re in the office, putting a staple in the cut part will resolve until you get home to be able to sew it.

When the car loses the anchor

Sometimes, wear and tear causes the zipper to open on its own. To solve this problem, here is a practical and simple way to ensure that the car does not get off:

  1. You need to get a key ring washer. Generally, this piece is circular, fine, perforated, and made of a fairly resistant material.
  2. Then, insert the key ring washer into the hole that the car handle has on the tip.
  3. Close the zipper and place the washer on the button of the pants so that when closing the garment it is sure that the car does not slide again.

When the zipper gets stuck

How many times has it happened to you that the zipper of your pants gets stuck and does not go up or down? How heavy is this situation? Especially if you need to hurry because it is getting late to leave the house. Here is a simple step-by-step solution to this little problem:

  1. You can spray the zipper with spray starch(the kind used to iron clothes). Do this several times until the slide of the car is smooth.
  2. If you don’t have the starch spray, you can weigh an unlit candle through the teeth so that there are wax particles between them and thus smooth the sliding of the car.
  3. One of the causes of car jams is that when washing pants in the washing machine you put them with the zipper open. This causes lint to get into the carriage or between the teeth of the strips and obstruct the slide.
  4. If you don’t have starch, nor can you find a candle, with a little cooking oil, baby oil, Vaseline, or liquid soap you can lubricate the teeth to make it easier for the car to slide.

When one of the strips is unstitched

Sometimes it happens that one of the strips of the pants zipper is unstitched. This is quite a hassle if you’re out and about and don’t have a needle and thread or a sewing machine to fix it. However, there are some very practical solutions to fix the zipper when one of the strips is unstitched without using thread.

  1. Usually, with a couple of pins you can easily hold the strip until you get the thread and needle.
  2. If you are in the office with a couple of staples that you put on the strip, you can solve it. But remember that if it is a very thick fabric it may not turn out quite well.

What do you need to fix a zipper?

  • Pliers.
  • Thread.
  • Needle.
  • Scissors.
  • Washer for keyrings.
  • Staples.
  • pins.
  • Wet paper.
  • Spray starch.
  • Candle.
  • Oil.
  • Vaseline.
  • Hand cream.

Tips to fix zipper

  • Always remember to close the zipper when washing your clothes in the washing machine to avoid lint, clogging, or damage.
  • If your zipper gets stuck and you’re out and about, you can use some hand cream or even lip gloss to lubricate it and unclog it.
  • If the zipper of your pants opens by itself and you do not have any of the things that we mentioned before to solve it; You can choose to make a barrier to the car, while the zipper is closed, placing a piece of wet paper under it. This is an emergency solution; Therefore, when you get home, you must carry out the process that we explained to you previously to better make sure that it no longer opens.

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