How To Fix A Zipper

Fixing a zipper is one of those things that you never know when you’re going to need it because if you learn how to do it correctly, you’ll be able to repair all kinds of zippers in all kinds of breaks.

  • A zipper is a kind of system to keep two fabrics together. This system has a system of teeth and a slider, with a zipper correctly.

Instructions to fix a zipper

  1. Fix when it is stuck:
    What we are going to make sure of is to explain slowly how to fix a zipper, that is, first explaining the cases in which it can be repaired more easily and then, the cases where much more complex repairs have to be carried out. First of all, we’re just going to have a stuck zipper, where there’s nothing broken, but the slider doesn’t seem to get the slider through the teeth the right way. What we have here is a jam, probably, because the zipper is not fitted with the slider correctly. The way to do this is to gently pick up the slider and move it to one end. Now you will see how an asymmetric space is left. Now very carefully, pull one side until it is completely even and thus achieve complete symmetry. Now that it is symmetrical, unzip the zipper and take the opportunity to clean all the teeth, as this may be caused by dirt from one that has caused a blockage. Now try the zipper again, to make sure it works correctly. Of course, this can also be caused by excess things in a backpack or suitcase, so in these cases, it is normal for it to open since you have exceeded the space and there is too much pressure. In these cases, either you remove something, or you redistribute everything, or there is nothing to do.
  2. Fix when the slider has broken:
    The second mildest case is when the slider breaks, which is the one that opens and closes the zipper. This bug is minor, but it should be fixed quickly because as long as it’s broken, the zipper is completely useless. The first thing we must do to solve this is remove the old slider, something that we are going to do with pliers, or try to remove it from the end of the garment, although without damaging it. Now you have to get a slider of the same size, which can be found at any sewing store. If you have any questions, take the garment in question and ask the store owner to see which is the best slider for this type of garment. Once I have indicated it to you, you must proceed to assemble it, something that you will do very carefully, bending the teeth slightly and inserting the slider through it until it enters inside. You can also take a pair of pliers, move the parts of the slider that hold the teeth, slide it inside, and then close it so that it is trapped, although you must be careful because it could break forever.
  3. Fix when some teeth have been broken:
    The third fault due to lightness and the second due to seriousness is the breaking of some teeth of the zipper, something that will make it separate on some sides and not close correctly. What we have here is a failure that could render the garment unusable, having to go to point four to put a new one. However, in some cases, it can be fixed for a while and you can thus manage to do at least a small fix to help you get by
  4. Ends:
    This is the lightest type of break, as we will be able to fix it quickly. What has happened here is that the teeth at the ends have broken, something that will cause the zipper to open on these. What we need to do here is make the zipper smaller, something we can do very easily by removing the zipper stop and the broken teeth and moving it forward. This will make the zipper smaller, but at least it will work properly. Take a pair of scissors and cut the top, as well as the broken teeth, to later take with glue and glue it to the other ends. If there is any loose piece of fabric, you will have to sew to recover it.
  5. In the center: If it is in the center, the zipper will open in this part, however, it also has a solution. Here we are going to put two stops and buy a new slider, apart from the one we have. We will cut the broken teeth and in their place, we will put the stops, one for each area. In the area that has been left without a slider, we will put the new one. In this way, we will have divided a zipper in two and we will be able to continue using it easily and efficiently.
  6. Replacing the zipper completely:
    Unfortunately, there are times when you have to resort to extreme measures, in this case, completely changing the zipper. The first thing is to measure and get a zipper of the same size, which is found in the same place as the slider. Now we must cut the broken zipper, to make room for the new one. Make sure that the cut is straight, so as not to damage anything on the garment. Now we are going to put the new zipper, which we are going to sew to the garment, something that is normally done by machine, but you can do it by hand if you are patient. Make sure it’s sewn in and won’t come off. Now that it is done, we just have to place the slider and we will have the zipper ready to work and be able to be used like the previous one, that is, we have already managed to make the replacement.

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