How To Draw People

The human body is about proportions, so a student of design, drawing or even an architect must go through and know what these are in both men and women because they differ from each other by the width of the shoulders and the hip. If you want to start drawing people because you already feel professional enough, we tell you that there are tricks to make it easier for you and you don’t necessarily have to be an expert because anyone can do it without the need for advanced knowledge.

You can ask a cartoonist about the techniques, who of course knows them well because it is true that there are tools in drawing for the facethe body, as well as the hands, and well, having little tricks up their sleeves that they pull out when they start to draw.

The main thing is to have perseverance, idea, desire to draw and some other way of making the drawings according to what is presented to you or also ask you the need to practice enough so that you can get it right and from there start to do it al finish with just a pencil and eraser.

The task is simple, so put your draftsman skills on wave and enter this world if you really want to start making a hobby of this activity to make your own portraits and that of your family, as long as you learn how to do it the right way. better way.

What do you need to draw people?

  • Paper
  • Pencil
  • Rule
  • Compass
  • Eraser
  • Pencil sharpener
  • Wood colours
  • Tempera
  • Wax crayons
  • Others

Instructions for drawing people

  • We all have within us a gift as a draftsman that, believe it or not, costs a lot when it comes out, but with time and a few materials things stop complicating and you can make beautiful artistic compositions from some initial doodles.
  • To start in the art of drawing, you just have to want to do it because nothing is impossible in this life besides creativity, essence, gift and the materials you need to start, which at first would be paper and pencil as basic drawing tools. Do you want something else??
  • The previous knowledge is provided by you since from childhood in school you are placed to draw and if you search in the trunk of memories you will find small creations with blots and shapes that simulated a house, a body and animals. Do you dare to search?
  • What matters are the final results which is what matters when you finish your creation and with the true specific techniques to start a drawing, you can do whatever you want as long as you do it well and with the desire to finish it.

Drawing people

  • The main thing that you must learn first is to start with the head and for this I am going to give you the steps you need to achieve it, but this way is not enough since in the end you can be the one who puts the touch that will make your drawing a unique creation. let’s get started
  • A circle. You will say, why a circle? Well, it is the beginning of your drawing of a person, so trace it delicately with the help of a compass so that it fits you perfectly, also it is not the head since in the world people do not have the same face shape. Remember that. Sometimes the basic shapes and lines give you the best compositions of beautiful drawings, so it is important that you do them when giving the best to your drawing so that it looks great, do you dare to continue or are you scared in this moment?
  • A vertical line. Divide the circle with a vertical line with a ruler into two halves, making it protrude downwards from it by a few centimeters so that it gives you the shape we want and so that it looks like the face of a person and the beginning of your drawing. In this aspect, remember that you must use basic elements or tools so that your drawing looks good and if you do not have a compass, use the bottom of a round cup for the circle and the edge of something to make the vertical line and also others that come out more ahead.
  • The shape of the face. From the end of the line upwards you are going to connect the line with the sides of the circle, but with non-straight lines because otherwise it will give you a very straight and straight look and the face of a person is not so perfect that we say because It has curvatures, with this you will remove the jaw. Think of something when you make your drawing, it is likely that you will not get it right the first time so you have to erase many times and this can damage the sheet or get it dirty, you should take into account making several drawings before making the final product.
  • Three horizontal lines. If you see it well, you should be given three invisible horizontal lines between the lines that you drew from the vertical to the sides of the circle and that you must draw so that you can obtain the elements of the face and the upper part of the circle will remain as the forehead of the face of the person.
  • The eyes. You already understand? At least you should have what is the contour of the face drawn in front of you and now comes adding the essential elements such as the eyes on each side in the first horizontal line you will place two sheets lying down and thus you will start in the best way. These are basic tools that we are giving you, but from now on the creativity that you put or the other ways of making your drawing can be invented by you at the moment and circumstance in which you find yourself, this is more than a guide in the path.
  • Nose. For the nose you must make it in the horizontal central line that you have drawn and that also served as the base for the eyes, it is enough to draw a small line that can be horizontal or curved with some sides upwards, you choose how to do it.
  • The lips. Under the nose you can draw the mouth with the union of two petals, one large at the top and one smaller below, which will give you the shape of the lips and which you can then trace symmetrically, giving it the exact shape you need.
  • The eyelids and eyebrows. Above the contour of the leaf that you made, you can make a small line so that you make the contour of the eyelid and above you draw a curved and filled line so that you have the eyebrow; you place a circle inside the sheet that includes the line above and the line below and you have the center of the eye.
  • The ears. On the sides, measuring well at the height of the eyes, you must make some rounded lines up to the line of the nose and thus you will be able to obtain beautiful ears from your drawing and if you have noticed, we have just given you ideas for your drawing of a person. You must see well the height that you use so that the drawing fits you well and think that the ears are curved and wide at the top and thin at the bottom, also not to make them so big but rather the size and proportion of the face that you have drawn
  • Final touches. Now what you have left is to highlight the lines of the face and erase the base lines that you used to elaborate the drawing, so you must be attentive to continue adding or what is missing, which would be the hair and some lines for the neck and a shirt shape of the person you just drew.
  • The body. If you want it complete with body and everything, you can choose to follow the initial line in a very long line which you must divide into 8 parts, although it is not a standard measurement because it will depend on the size of the person you are going to draw, small or large. Or have the same ratio. It is important that you be aware of this since it depends on the composition that you are going to make, since it depends on the size of the drawing, since you are not going to make huge people in a small drawing, of course they do not fit and you will have to measure a lot to reach have just
  • The hand and the foot. What remains to be told is the shapes of the hands and feet, you will do it with lines and circles to guide you since this will help you to make these elements in a proportionate way to the rest of the body, as long as you do it well and as you like. like.
  • Creativity and originality. Keep in mind that it does not matter if your drawing is not very aesthetic, the main thing is that you have done it yourself and if you practice enough it will give you the opportunity that in the end it will turn out to be of quality, as well as always maintaining your same creativity and originality in terms of the product final.

Tips for drawing people

  • Keep in mind the basic materials that you should use to draw is paper and pencil.
  • Make sketches before the final drawing so you don’t dirty where you are going to make your final drawing.
  • Use colors that are with a hard lead and do not split during the operation.
  • Keep water if you are going to paint with brushes.
  • Use many more leaves until you get everything right and thus have an elaborate job.

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