How To Draw Noses

If we are going to talk about noses, the first thing to distinguish is that the term refers to several and not just one, since if we are going to say it correctly we have to talk about a single nose and the nostrils that are the two holes on the sides of the nose. Now, this is not about talking about the word itself but rather about how to use the pencil to be able to draw, which is much more fun than knowing grammar or spelling, so the main topic is learning to draw a nose.

If drawing faces or how to make a portrait of a person attracts your attention, learning to make a nose will lead you to start in the art of painting this type of painting and who knows, in the end, make your own portrait and hang it in your living room like this let’s get started.

And it is one of the most difficult parts to draw since it must be exact to the person we want to portray and sometimes it usually goes very wrong and out of tune, so you have to learn tricks and tools that make the lines of the nose a beautiful point what to observe

What do you need to draw noses?

  • Paper or notebook for drawing.
  • Pencil.
  • Eraser.
  • Desk.
  • Ruler (if you need it).

Instructions for drawing noses

  • Now, in this post we are not going to talk about the meaning of the nose or anything like that because you should already know what it is and what it is for. What we will explain to you is the techniques, methods and elements that lead to designing the image of a perfect nose.
  • We will not tell you that it will come out the first time, but practice and the desire to learn will give you the opportunity to achieve it after having perseverance thanks to the advice that we will give you, as well as the two ways to do it from the front and from the side.
  • The logical thing is that you persevere because being a cartoonist is not done overnight and therefore you must be aware of doing the right things and, if along the way, it seems difficult for you, do not give up as it can be fun and a hobby. quite peculiar and practical even for the professional future.
  • It is important to keep in mind that you do not become a cartoonist overnight and everyone should take into account the possibility of learning to draw from a basic to a more complex way, since many times, if you do not get quick results, you can get bored. since the beginning.
  • Success depends on the lines you make, regardless of whether they seem illogical to you, since the final result is what is expected to be achieved, leaving aside the preliminaries, which are the techniques to be used to carry out any type of drawing and that you must take into account. when making them.
  • You will not always have a happy ending and many drawings will end up in the trash or in your museum of horrors, but what we do want is for you not to get bored and learn to make the best drawings as a great artist and so you can take into account the possibility to make special drawings that turn your life around and take you away from stress and anxiety.

Front nose drawing

  1. First you must take into account the shape of the nose and think about how you want to make it: chubby or pointed, in addition to making sure it fits perfectly and does not look like a doodle, which would lower your morale when you start to make strokes.
  2. Draw a large circle in the center of the sheet, you have to see if you are drawing a face so you have to know the exact place in the center of the face where you are going to place it, otherwise you make the strokes in the part where you want of the sheet or notebook.
  3. Draw a rectangle from the center of each side of the circle upwards, keeping in mind that it must be thin and very elongated, depending on the size of the nose you want to draw, so try to bring it up as much as possible.
  4. Draw half a circle in the lower part of the circle that protrudes from it to the sides, but without closing it completely so that the ends are outward and these will be joined to the rectangle by two straight lines.
  5. If you have done well in these first strokes, at first sight you should see a kind of bell with a circle inside it, apart from a rectangle that completely crosses the drawing, which will help you to continue making the strokes because we are not finished yet.
  6. Trace the lines of the rectangle until they touch the arc that you drew and extend it to the line of the circle joining the two ends or ends at the end, seeing the drawing now it looks like a three-dimensional cone if you have done the lines well and it is time for the special touches.
  7. With the pencil lying down, you are going to shade the line of the rectangle from above until it ends at the bottom on the sides of the circle in the part of the arc, if you do it well you should have half a shaded circle and the lines of the rectangle upwards.
  8. At the ends of the cone, you are going to draw a small line on each side that will be the wings of the nose and which at the end of everything you will have to review so that they can be seen well defined, in this step you already begin to see the nose.
  9. Draw a line in the lower part of the circle making a semicircle and taking it to the sides in soft waves downwards that come to be the nostrils or the holes on the sides of the septum, achieving your nose, now you just have to erase and continue shading.

Another way to trace the nose

  1. Use the contour of a face to trace the nose well and thus guide yourself well where you are going to place it or what is the specific place where it is taking into account the place of the eyes and the mouth to trace the point to start drawing it.
  2. Draw a line from the top of the head down and another line from one side to the other using below the ears as a reference, this can make you know where to draw the nose from the previous point.
  3. Use the point of intersection or center to begin to make the strokes of the nose by drawing a large circle and two smaller ones on each side.
  4. Under the big circle, draw a stronger line that protrudes towards the circles on the sides and in the small ones, one that traces the sides to make the wings of the nose.
  5. Erase the traces that are left over from all the circles and so you have a perfect nose the size of the drawing you want to make, try to do it yourself and you will see that it is easy.

Profile nose

  1. These strokes are easier to do so you should not have any difficulty when starting to make your drawing.
  2. You just have to draw a circle in the center of the sheet where you are going to draw the face and a smaller one next to the big one.
  3. Draw a semi-curve that becomes the nostril, you also lengthen this line to make the nose fin.
  4. Follow the outline line to below the big circle to make the groove between the nose and the mouth and then start shading all the part of the nose that you already have drawn.
  5. Remember that the hole in the nostril must be blacker, simulating the hole inward that you must reflect in the stroke.
  6. Ready, you already have your nose drawn so what you have to do is continue shading to retouch it.
  7. Remember that in each of the drawings you must take into account the possibility of practicing enough because the first ones will not work out and this can help you learn to draw the nose better.

Tips for drawing noses

  • There are no two identical noses, so you have to be aware of this when you try to draw them.
  • They have different shapes and sizes.
  • There are differences between men and women, look at that detail when trying to draw one or the other.
  • Race also has to do when you go to paint a nose, evidencing yourself between a Caucasian and a person of color.
  • The woman has delicate features so the strokes have to be around this statement.
  • The man’s face is rougher and rougher, so you must be careful to make a drawing that defines this part of the man that is bigger and stronger.
  • There are differences between the nose of a baby and that of a small child, so the strokes for one and the other must be well-defined.
  • The adolescent changes little by little, which is why it is another shape of the nose that you must take into account when making a portrait of one.
  • Remember to take all these tips into account when drawing a perfect nose or, at least, learn how to do it without any problem.
  • You can also do these types of initial strokes to make an animal’s nose.
  • The important thing is the final work, no matter the method you have used to achieve it.
  • This can be the beginning of a great artist.

Have you seen each step you must take to draw a nose? Now the most complex thing remains, start drawing and not get bored if it goes wrong. Much patience.

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