How To Draw Hello Kitty Face

Hello Kitty’s face is one of the best-known drawings in the world, having a characteristic shape that everyone is able to easily recognize at first sight. Hello Kitty is a brand created in Japan in the 1970s and quickly became famous around the world creating a brand valued at hundreds of millions of dollars that can be found all over the world. The face of this nice drawing is something unmistakable since both children and adults are able to recognize this famous symbol despite the simplicity of the drawing.

Due to the simplicity of the drawing, it is really easy to draw the face of hello kitty, since anyone can make a more or less decent drawing of it, being one of the ideal drawings for beginners to make. If you want to learn how to draw it, you are in the right place since I am going to teach you step by step and calmly as always from the art section

What do you need to draw hello kitty’s face?

  • Pencil and paper.
  • Paints or waxes to color it.
  • Some skill drawing.
  • A drawing program like paint if you decide to do it on a computer.

Instructions to draw the face of hello kitty

  1. Make a huge ellipse:
    Hello Kitty’s head is a huge ellipse shaped like a lying egg. Good cartoonists know that the first thing to draw on a face is the shape of the head and from there we will draw everything else in the drawing. For this reason, we are going to start by drawing a large ellipse that will act as the head of hello kitty, for which we must make it large as in the drawing below, since all the body parts of the famous Japanese cat must fit.
  2. The eyes and nose:
    Now we are going to move on to drawing the face and nose of the famous Japanese cat. We are going to continue making ellipses to be able to draw them, since the eyes and nose are that way. The eyes are two small black ellipses located at the bottom of the head, since Hello Kitty is a cat with a large forehead. In the middle of the eyes and a little below, we are going to draw a yellow ellipse that will make the bases of the nose, which has a very small lying ellipse shape. Once we have this we can move on to the next step.
  3. The whiskers:
    Now we are going to put aside the ellipses temporarily and move on to the straight lines, since we are going to proceed to make the whiskers on Hello Kitty’s face, which she must have as the good cat she is. The whiskers are basically three straight lines that come from the sides of the cat at the level of her eyes. The middle line is slightly shorter than the other two, but neither is too long.
  4. The ears:
    Every good cat should have pointed ears and hello kitty was not going to be less of a cat than the others, therefore we are going to draw some ears, which are drawn just above her head, which are like You can see they are simply two triangles on top of the head, so it is quite easy to draw the hello kitty ears.
  5. Erase:
    Every good cartoonist knows the importance of the eraser when it comes to drawing, since we normally focus on making geometric figures on top of each other, being necessary to erase some lines afterwards so that we have a drawing as close as possible. realistic possible. In this case, we are going to erase the lines of the triangle of the hello kitty, in such a way that it remains as in the drawing, that is, that only the lateral lines are visible and not the bottom one, giving the impression of real ears. If you have made a mistake drawing a line or you have an irregular ellipse, it is time to correct it and leave it just as I have it.
  6. The bow and coloring:
    To finish this drawing, we are going to make the bow that the hello kitty wears on top of her head, which is her symbol of identity and could not be missing in a drawing. It really is the most laborious part of the drawing and as you can see, it hasn’t turned out quite right for me since one side is bigger than the other. The way to do it is to draw a circle in the center, just below the ear, then we draw two small concentric circles on the sides. Finally we will draw the lines of the loop, which are two curved lines making the classic shape of a normal and current loop. As a final touch of excellence, we are going to paint the bow pink, so that it is the same color as the one that the hello kitty wears.

Tips for drawing hello kitty face

  • More advanced drawing: This drawing is intended for the little ones and that is why it is so simple, however, if you are a good cartoonist, you can add details such as shadows to the drawing to make it more professional.
  • If you like to draw cartoon characters, you will surely like this article where we teach you how to draw peppa pig.
  • In the drawing category learn very interesting techniques and tips.

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