How To Draw Faces

The art of drawing is a very complex practice. There are many factors to take into account to make a good drawing. This difficulty increases when drawing a face. Therefore, in this article we will talk about how to draw faces and what we will need for it. Surely we are interested in knowing how to draw the face of Santa Claus and the face of Hello Kitty.
A drawing of the face means it goes beyond the drawing, regardless of its quality and level. is to meet that person, their gestures and their looks. His expression and personality that we can see through the gestures. To capture the essence of the faces we want to draw, it is necessary to observe conscientiously. Apart from being a good observer, we must know how to transmit our idea to paper. Faces

In the faces there are parts that are very important when making the portrait. In this section we will talk about them and the possibilities to draw them. The parts of a face are:

  • Hair. Perhaps it is the part that is less difficult when it comes to immortalizing. We must take into account its length and shape. If it is wavy, straight or if it is curly. The hairstyle of the person to be drawn is also important. The type of hairstyle our goal chooses will surely be associated with moods or certain circumstances. If you are sad, it is normal that you do not have a very flashy hairstyle. If we want to draw while doing a task, surely her hair is uncombed or collected. The hairstyle is important, since it has to match the mood. Unless we are looking for some other contrast to send a message.
  • The forehead. The forehead is a very expressive part of the face. When we gesticulate, certain wrinkles tend to appear in certain ways that can indicate our emotions.
    Eyebrows. If we want to capture a specific gesture from the other person, the eyebrows play a very important role. It depends on the position they are in, they reflect one attitude or another.
  • The eyes. Perhaps it is the most difficult element to transfer to paper. Knowing how to draw a look is worthy of an artist. Not only the eyes enter into this equation. To form a look we must also take into account the other parts of the area. By drawing the size of the eyes and their proper shape we will achieve a touch of realism. We must know how to draw an eye.

Lower middle part of the face

  • cheekbones. This is also a difficult part, since they must be well-formed and proportioned. If we want to give a touch of realism we can use the shadows. Knowing how to use them can play in our favor to achieve the desired effect.
  • Nose. Perhaps it is not as expressive as other parts of the face can be. But without a doubt, drawing the nose in a certain way gives a lot of realism. When we are angry or happy we also gesticulate with our nose. Even if it’s a little. It is a small detail that must be taken care of to have everything under control.
  • The lips. Drawing lips is not an easy task either. They have multiple shapes and sizes, depending on the person. They can be full lips or vary in size. It is a good indicator to reflect the mood of a person, so we must take into account how we want to draw them.

Instructions for drawing faces

It is very important to follow the steps in order since the face must be drawn in parts. We have to make reference lines so that the faces come out proportionate. The instructions to have a base on which to trace are the following:

  1. Visualize while we draw or get the image of the face that we want to immortalize.
  2. Draw a square and divide it into four horizontal parts.
  3. Inside draw an oval. This must vertically occupy three-quarters of the square.
  4. We lengthen the circle until it reaches the fourth part.
  5. We will draw the two eyes at the same height of the center line.
  6. Ears and nose on the next line.
  7. The mouth will be located in the fourth part. Exactly in the middle of this part.
  8. Divide the square vertically into five equal parts.
  9. With five vertical lines we will divide the square. We will use the letters “a” to “e” to list them.
  10. Hole “b” and “d” are for each eye. While the hole “c” is for the nose.
  11. The tops of the ears and eyebrows should be at the same level.
  12. If we draw a line that passes from the middle of the hole “c” and through the outer sides of the nose we will know the width that the mouth must have.
  13. Trace the hair. Depending on the shape we will draw straight or curved lines.
  14. Doing the same thing but this time from the center of the nose passing through the outer side of the eyes we will obtain the length of the eyebrows.

What do you need to draw faces?

As for what we need to draw faces, we should not worry, since we will not need anything from the other world. If we usually draw, we probably have everything within our reach. On the other hand, we will have it easy to get the tools otherwise. To make the portrait we will need:

  • The image of the face to draw.
  • Remember the gesture that we want to capture in the drawing and keep it in mind while we do it.
  • A leaf.
  • A pencil and rubber. In this way we have the facility to correct mistakes, in case of committing them.
  • A rule. We will need it to divide the sheet into sections and maintain the proper proportions.
  • Make the template to develop the drawing from the references that we have previously made.
  • Practice to improve designs.
  • Tranquility. It is essential to be focused on the task, since we must be aware of even the smallest detail.

Tips for drawing faces

  • If the result is not as desired, we should not worry. It is a job that surely can take us more than one attempt. The important thing is not to throw away the failed drawings and concentrate on the failures to later correct them. Staying calm and continuing to practice is the key to improving. Constancy makes us evolve. Very soon we will see the changes and progress that we have achieved by putting this advice into practice.
  • Creating an ideal environment with background music and without any distractions around us is vital to unlock our potential. A good idea is to silence the mobile and not be in a room with electronic devices. Or if there is, at least they are turned off.
  • If time and money allow us, we can choose to go to drawing classes. In these classes we will learn new techniques, as well as points of view and advice from the teacher. This is the fastest and most effective way to move forward, but it is within everyone’s reach. One solution may be to access video tutorials on the Internet. If we find one in which the steps are well explained, it will be much clearer and the learning will be more dynamic.
  • When we have decided on who to do the portrait we must take into account the level of closeness with that person. If we know her, it is usually easier to remember all her expressions and gestures. A good idea is to have a photo at all times of the drawing in which you can see the features of the face. If we find it difficult to remember the way in which he gestures, a good idea would be to ask him for a video. Or if we are in possession of a video in which he appears expressing himself, watch it until you capture the true essence of the face.
  • A fairly common mistake is to give priority to the eyes and the mouth. It is where we perceive that there is more facial expression. But our first step must be to create a good structure on which to draw. We must not get carried away or distracted by this goal. The first steps must be objective in a matter of proportions. Since it is very important to keep them in the right numbers. Later, when we have the base made, we can customize the different parts of the faces to our liking or criteria.
  • When we talk about realism we must keep in mind that it is a perception represented by our senses. Which is related to the way we see the person portrayed.
    Once we have finished our portrait we can decide whether to give it color or leave it as it is. A portrait without color can be a little deeper and extol some certain features. While, if we opt for the colors, it will be more realistic and we can play with the different tones depending on which areas.
  • If you have a birthday or an event in which you don’t know what to give the protagonist, a portrait is a good option. It is a gift that will take a lot of time and effort, but the rewards are gratifying. You can opt for this advice. It is a very personal present in which you will show him the way you see that other person. Perhaps it is more appreciated, since we will be giving our effort, time and dedication in the form of a portrait.
  • There is a modality that is to paint the portrait with a bic pen. This tactic requires a mastery of proportions and advanced wrist ease. For this we must have knowledge and practice powerful enough to carry out said work. We can see videos about this practice on YouTube.

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