How to Draw an Airplane

We all have a first time at some point, the first time we learn to draw would be an example and the truth is that it is not very easy to obtain the results we want, but with practice we improve until we achieve it. Drawing an airplane can be easy for some cartoonists, but for others and more if you are amateurs it can be a bit difficult, especially if we are now learning to draw.

If you are looking for a method to draw an airplane easily and quickly, it will be very useful for you to read the following article where we show you two methods of how to draw an airplane.

What do you need to draw an airplane?

  • A white sheet.
  • A pencil
  • A rule.
  • An eraser.
  • Pencil sharpener.
  • Colors.


  • Patience.
  • Eager to learn.

Instructions for drawing an airplane

How to draw an airplane easily and quickly

If you do not have experience drawing airplanes, it is enough that you are eager to learn and have a little patience, get a white sheet of paper, a pencil, a ruler to mark the lines and an eraser in case you get overwhelmed and mark others. Follow the steps that we indicate in each method and you will be able to learn to draw a cartoon plane and a simple plane with a two-dimensional effect. Make him want!

Draw a cartoon plane

There are different variants depending on the tastes and the details that are added to the cartoon plane, but in general, the model is the same and it is very easy to do, if you apply yourself with this drawing, you will surely be able to add more things and details. It has nothing to envy other models, so get to work and follow the steps:

  1. To start, find a comfortable place where you can move around freely and where the blade won’t fly around or move around a lot.
  2. Start by making an idea of ​​your plane, on the left side will be the front part of the plane, in the middle the wings and on the right side will be the rear part.
  3. To draw the front part you have to draw an open “C” shaped curve on the left side of the sheet, with this you will make the tip of the plane. You must ensure that it is centered, neither too high nor too low.
  4. On top of the “C” shaped curve you have to draw another smaller and more open curve to draw what will be the windshield or glass of the plane.
  5. Depending on the size you have chosen for the plane, with a ruler measure and draw two lines from the two ends of the curve, both the bottom and the top, a horizontal line to the end of the plane, taking into account that there is no It must be very long so that it looks well distributed.
  6. At the end of the two horizontal lines you will have to draw a curve with the shape of an inverted “C” “Ↄ” to represent the back of the ship. This should be tighter and smaller than the one you drew on the left and should be connected to the two lines coming from the front.
  7. So far and having done the previous steps you should have formed the outline of the body of the plane.
  8. To draw the wings, position yourself roughly in the middle of the body of the plane. You will draw in the center two curved rectangles.
  9. For the first you have to draw a horizontal line in the center of the body, from each end of that line draw two slightly curved lines towards the lower right corner of the sheet and leave a space that you will join with another curved horizontal line.
  10. For the second, you should draw a curved rectangle from the top of the body to the top of the page, giving it the effect of receding. Keep in mind that it must be in harmony with the one you have drawn before.
  11. For the wings on the back of the plane, use three four-sided shapes. These will be similar to the ones you made for the wings, but smaller. In addition you will have to make one above the back. These will be the three stabilizers that we usually see on an airplane.
  12. Erase all the extra details, and to erase them use the eraser to remove the lines that are left over, like that line that is below the left wing and the other lines that remain in the area of ​​the wings.
  13. To add the engines to the plane you must draw two closed and joined curves as if you were making an inverted “B” “All” under the two wings of the plane, the right wing must be smaller than the left.
  14. As a final step, it will only be necessary to add the aesthetic details, you can add 4 small windows and one or two doors, you can use small rectangles to make them.
  15. Then, if you want, you can paint the plane with colors. You could color the windows black or blue, as well as color the windshield of the plane black to give it better contrast.

Draw a simple plane with effect in two dimensions

In this plane we will achieve a clearer two-dimensional effect, it will be a diagonal plane facing forward. It is advisable to follow the steps very carefully so that your plane is traced, because in this case the drawing has more details than the previous one, the steps are:

  1. Choose a comfortable place where you can move without difficulty.
  2. Find a leaf and place it in a place where it won’t be blown away or moved around a lot.
  3. Draw with a pencil and a ruler you will draw an “X” diagonally on the sheet, that is, you will make a large line from the upper left corner to the lower right corner (We will call this line “A”). As with the other line, you will draw it from the upper right corner to the lower left corner (We will call this line “B”).
  4. Start by visualizing the “X” to help you see that the plane will go from back to front with the front towards the lower right corner diagonally, the other line represents the wings.
  5. Help yourself with the ruler and draw a rectangle on the line “B” in its lower part, it has to go from the middle of the line until it touches the line “A”. Once you have drawn the rectangle, looking from the points that intersect with the line for another diagonal line, draw a triangle that goes to the middle of line “B” at the top. We should have a rectangle at the bottom and a triangle at the top.
  6. To give it a three-dimensional or box effect you have to draw the same figure that you made on top of the one you already have. You will achieve this by leaving a space between the two shapes and joining them with small lines.
  7. Then delete the line that will be hidden.
  8. To draw the cabin of the plane you will use three squares at the top, these will go in the center of the body so first try to imagine it so that you can draw it later. Make first the one that will work as a breeze and based on that you will draw the roof and the window.
  9. For the wings of the plane you will use two rectangles that will be attached to the roof of the cabin, as an aid use the line “A”, one of the wings will go diagonally towards the top and the other towards the bottom, it can be the size you consider suitable and must have the same size.
  10. For the wings of the plane three rectangles in the back. The first must be based on the triangle and must be diagonally as if it were moving away, the second must be on the base vertically and the third must be horizontally below the triangle or on the side that is towards the front.
  11. Then following the wheels and wing bases, draw a diagonal line connecting the upper wing to the body of the plane and the lower wing as well. For the wheels, draw two circles: one will go to the front of the plane attached directly to the body, and the other will go towards the center of the plane attached with a curved line.
  12. In the forward section that is towards the front we will draw the propeller of the plane, to achieve this we have to first draw an oval cone attached to the body with a diagonal direction, leave the fine tip.
  13. After we have the cone we must draw two or three rectangular fins, these must be attached to the cone that we drew before.
  14. With the draft remove the lines that no longer fit the drawing, if necessary you can highlight the lines and better adjust the angles of the boxes.
  15. To make your drawing look better, give contrast to the details with color, you can place two lines to the lines that join the wings with the plane and also to the line that joins the wheel. Another idea is to shade the edges and interior of the cabin.

Tips for drawing an airplane

Recommendations to have better results when drawing the plane

  • Arm yourself with a lot of patience because in general not all the lines do not turn out the way we want and sometimes we will need to do it more than once.
  • To draw it is important to feel comfortable, so we must find a place where we can move easily and where aspects such as the breeze or noise do not bother or interrupt us.
  • Find a place with good lighting so that you can see the lines of the plane without problems.
  • Make sure your eraser and pencil are in good condition, you don’t want to dirty your drawing with a dirty eraser or constantly sharpening a pencil.
  • Avoid having containers with liquids on the table where you work, eating and getting your hands dirty while drawing to prevent accidents from occurring and damaging your drawing.
  • Starting with an idea in your mind of the drawing can help you get the desired plane.
  • Drawing the plane on a grid sheet can help you improve the layout of the plane, you can use it as practice before doing it on a white sheet.
  • Don’t forget to use the ruler properly, it will help you get straighter lines.
  • While you are drawing make clear lines that are easy to erase, so that when you need to erase the line you won’t damage the sheet.

Don’t give up if after you’re almost done you realize that it doesn’t look as good as you expected, practicing will help make it look better.

Many times coloring the drawing helps to make it look better, but you have to be careful not to go over the limits so as not to damage the drawing.

We have presented you with two methods so that you know how to draw an airplane in an easy and simple way, without having much experience drawing, so if you have a sheet, a pencil and a ruler, don’t waste any more time and get to work!

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