How To Draw A Rose

The rose is one of the symbols par excellence that makes us think of love. Its beautiful colors and elegant shape have been the subject of countless poems and stories of romance, sometimes impossible, between many people. Its delicate and at the same time hard character, due to the thorns on its stem, make us think of love as a double-edged branch: on the one hand, they emphasize its tender, sensual and kind side, but on the other it shows us that, just as than thorns, it can be very painful when it pricks you inside your heart.

Drawing a rose is one of the easiest things you can learn to paint. Although at first glance it seems like a very elaborate and complex drawing, the truth is that it is super easy to do. You can also opt for a more realistic or comic-like image, depending on the style you want to give your rose.

You can also use them for a multitude of manual works. For example, if there is a boy or a girl that you like, you can give them a beautiful drawing of roses in millions of colors to show how you feel about that person. It can also be a very nice and special detail for your mother on Mother’s Day, or for your father on Father’s Day. And what is even better, when you learn to draw a rose you will be able to “show off” among your friends or use your artistic skills to flirt with the girls at your school.

If, in addition, you are somewhat handy and have a lot of imagination, you can provide textures to your drawn roses using different products for props, such as cotton to fill the stem with, colored paper that is sold to make origami, glitter with which to fill its petals or felt with details. If you trace the silhouette with felt and cut it out, you can prepare a 3D rose that will amaze your family and friends!

What do you need to draw a rose?

Things we are going to need to draw a rose

  •  Paper
  •  Black pencil preferably HB tip
  •  Colored pencils to paint our rose as we like
  •  Eraser in case we screw up and have to correct some path
  •  Pencil sharpener to sharpen our pencils well

Instructions to draw a rose

Step by step to draw a rose

  1. Stand in the center of the sheet and draw a kind of oval in the center of the paper. This will be the center of the rose. It is not necessary that you be very detailed or that its edges are perfect. The more irregular the layout, the more natural your rose will appear.
  2. Now, paint another oval shape that connects to the circle we’ve already created. This will be your first petal. Once you have finished drawing the first petal, you will have to make a curved shape next to it that closes connecting with the center of the flower to draw the second petal. You can do it by going in the opposite direction clockwise. Do the same with a third oval shape and you will now have created the center of the rose with its first group of petals.
  3. Prepare the rest of the petals, is sewing and singing. You have to think of the drawing of your rose as a kind of spiral that advances against the hands of the clock, just like the center that we have already drawn. Now, just like with real roses, our drawing is going to have bigger and bigger petals. Think that the roses are opening their petals from the center outwards, and our drawing has to do precisely the same. Use oval shapes that wrap one after the other around the center of the petals and whose beginning and end start in different places.
  4. Follow this structure by drawing as many petals as you want. Think that the more petals you draw, the plumper our rose will be.
  5. Once you finish with this step, all you have to do is color the drawing of your newly created rose to your liking. Do not stay only in the colors that nature offers us in this type of flower, you can make as many combinations as you like and create your own invented botanical garden! What more could you want?

Tips for drawing a rose

Last-minute tricks to draw a rose

Now that you are a true specialist in drawing freehand roses, we are going to teach you a very simple technique to make your finish even more realistic and attract even more attention to all who see your drawing. If you concentrate, it is very likely that you will even be able to smell the delicious aroma of these unique flowers.

  • Use a piece of cotton. When you are going to start painting the petals of your rose, I recommend that you use this very effective trick. If you spread the pencil in some of the areas of the petal with a piece of cotton, it will give the feeling that the petals are velvety. Mix different shades of pink pencil to give it even more definition. For example, once you finish extending the paint with cotton, add some shadows with strong pink lines on the previously extended pencil. You will see how passionate you are about the result.

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