How To Draw A Horse

Drawing is a wonderful art. It is one of the first things we do since we are babies and that we continue to do even occasionally as we grow up or as adults. Some actually turn drawing into something more than a hobby, into a profession.

The drawing has existed since the very beginning of humanity and was accompanied by various meanings. Drawings were used to share information with future generations, to express emotions or to document lived events. Sometimes the drawings can be used as comic skits or just as a mode of expression. But at the end of the day, drawing is one of the oldest universal arts.

Some of the most pleasant drawings are those in which we capture an animal, whether moving or static, expressing some emotion or serene, on a stage fulfilling some function or alone. One of the drawings of animals that can be most pleasant are horses. Horses can express many emotions in various settings. From a tethered or free horse, wild or tame, whatever type of horse you decide to draw is sure to look great.

In order for you to learn how to draw a horse, we want you to follow these tips and so you can achieve it and we also leave you this guide to learn how to draw well.

What do you need to draw a horse?

  • Drawing pencils
  • Pencil sharpener
  • Paper or sketchbook
  • Eraser
  • Colors to illustrate

Instructions to draw a horse

  1. Start with basic lines and geometric shapes. Before wanting to draw a horse, you have to take into account that to give a more professional finish, it is advisable to draw some lines and shapes that will serve as guides to begin to give body to what we are drawing. Guide yourself with this image to know what kind of geometric figures we are referring to.
  2. Make soft strokes and guide yourself with them to begin to shape the horse. Once you have created the geometric shapes that will serve to guide you, it is time to make strokes with the pencil to form the outer part of the body and join the shapes that you made before. This will help give the drawing a more detailed shape and give it a more natural horse look.
  3. Pass the pencil over the old strokes again and erase the strokes that you consider crooked or unnecessary. This is to give more shape and detail to the drawing. So if a part came out crooked, we just have to do it again guided by the new lines. These must be soft, because if the strokes are very strong it will be difficult to erase them and start over. Remember that these strokes are only to perfect what has already been done.
  4. Remember the details. If you want your drawing to look more produced, it is better that you pay attention to the details and put more effort into showing off your drawing and giving it realism. Help yourself with the pencil to give detail and definition to the drawing, for example, create some muscles and shadows to give more definition to what you draw.
  5. Remember the various angles. If you want a horse to look more natural, it’s a good idea to try drawing it at various angles. This way you will be able to capture the emotions and expressions that you want the horse to reflect.
  6. Decide if you are going to color or shade. Something very important when wanting to draw any kind of thing is knowing how to color or shade a drawing. To begin with, we must always have soft and strong colors and paints in different shades. The strong colorings are to give a base to the drawing, while the soft ones in various tones are to give dimension by shading and outlining the drawing to give realism. Same goes for pencil shading.
  7. Do not give up. It might be frustrating at first if you don’t make it, but if you’re going to draw, do it because you like it, not because you’re looking for perfection, don’t push yourself. Keep practicing until you get it right, you will see how easy and fun it becomes to draw this kind of animals.

Tips for drawing a horse

It is recommended that you initially use a squared pasta notebook to practice, since these are perfect for maintaining control between the size of the drawing and the lines that we are going to make, since you are guided by the squares to measure the spaces.

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