How To Draw A Christmas Tree

Christmas is one of the most anticipated moments of the year. It is a time when we rethink our lives, our desires, and the way to face the coming year. These are times of meeting with loved ones, reflection, and enjoyment. Most of us love Christmas and we are filled with illusion. Children more than anyone. Perhaps for this reason, by infecting us, it moves us to that state of joy and happiness.
One of the symbols of Christmas is the tree. It is a very important piece in every house. The preparation is a whole ritual according to the families. We can find from artificial trees to real trees and of a considerable height.
The place to place it changes. It is possible that we see it in the room, at the front door or, if it is a house, in the garden.

The preparation of a Christmas tree varies greatly, depending on the family and traditions. But overall, this is a medium-sized tree festooned with lights, baubles, and more with a star on top. Representing this image on paper is a very nice challenge due to the meaning of the drawing and the possibilities that this gives us. There are many ways on how to draw a Christmas tree. In this article we will talk about the steps to follow, what you need, and some tips to get a realistic drawing.

It is a simple process, but that does not mean that it is routine. The choice of the type of tree and the colors will depend on the idea we have for our project. We can teach children to draw this object in a simpler way in a few steps. Throughout the article we will see the way. We may also be interested in knowing how to draw in 3D.

Christmas tree

There are several key and reference points when drawing this object so representative of Christmas. It is not an easy task if we want to convey the true Christmas spirit. Here we will talk about some guidelines on which to develop our drawing. The points to take into account are:

  • The type of tree. The first thing we have to be clear about is the type of tree we want to draw. The fir tree is very common and pretty to draw. If we look for the different types, we can see the one that we like the most and fits the best.
  • The accessories. Once the main structure of the tree has been drawn, the details are very important when looking for realism.
  • The star. It is the differential element in the drawing. It is the ultimate accessory for drawing.
  • Gifts. This will give one more touch to get the Christmas spirit by drawing the gifts on the base of it.


One of the advantages of making this drawing is that it will always remind us of the moments of that Christmas. You can have it at home at any time of the year.
We can carry out this task in company or on our own. If we decide to share the moment with our children, for example, they are unique moments that we will have good memories of.
If, on the contrary, it is a gift or we want a professional job, having our own space and time is ideal. The important thing is that it will be a memory that will give a special touch to the home.

It not only represents a specific time of the year, but a state of mind. In it we can remember how beautiful it is to always be united and help each other. It is a symbol of good intentions, a positive attitude and the opportunity to get the best out of ourselves.

Instructions to draw a Christmas tree

To carry out this task it is important to follow an order. The most important thing is to build a good base and then build on from there. In this section we will explain the steps to take to draw the Christmas tree :

  1. Draw the structure of the tree in a simple way. In the first attempt we will draw three triangles from top to bottom, each one larger. For the trunk we will draw a rectangle. This will help us to identify the forms. For the example, we have chosen a fir tree as you can see in the photos.
  2. The second step is to draw a slightly more advanced structure. We will draw the same triangles and in the same way, but this time without straight lines. Curving the lines a bit.
  3. For the next step we will do the same structure. This time with curved lines, but also “little spikes”, trying to represent the leaves on the branches.
  4. In the final model we will give more realism to the leaves and the lines of the tree, as well as to the trunk.
  5. Once it is drawn to our liking, we will go on to represent the accessories.
  6. In the corners of each level of the tree we can draw the Christmas balls.
  7. Above all, and as a “cherry” we will go on to draw the star. It is the last step to take.
  8. If we want to put gifts next to the trunk, it will give even more realism to the Christmas image

What do you need to draw a Christmas tree?

Once carefully read the steps to follow to make the drawing, we must be clear about what we will need. It is important to have all the tools at our disposal and well-located. Keeping them in a safe place prevents them from being damaged in the future. Taking this precaution helps us to preserve the good performance of each of them. A basic rule of the worker is to take good care of his tools, since the result obtained will depend to a large extent on them. What we need to draw a Christmas tree is :

  • A wide table to work with space.
  • A pencil. With the sharpened pencil we can draw the sketch that will help us to develop the rest of the drawing.
  • An eraser. If we make a rectifiable mistake with the pencil, we can erase it. It is important that it is clean, otherwise, it could stain the drawing.
  • An image of the tree to represent. Always keep it in sight when we make the drawing to have it as a reference.
  • The colors. If we have decided to give it color, we will need a variety of them. The main one is green. You will also need the ones you have chosen to represent the accessories.
  • Tranquility. If we want to concentrate on drawing, we will need our space free from interruptions. It is necessary to silence the mobile and any electronic device that can distract us.
  • Patience and constancy. They are key to getting a good drawing. It is a task that cannot be achieved in a day and we must be constant in the improvements. We must not be discouraged by the first essays, since they are just that; essays.

Tips for drawing a Christmas tree

  • Mentalize: 
    Knowing everything we need and the instructions to follow to get started with our drawing, all that remains is to mentalize. It is a process that can take time and several attempts. We must not give up because if we keep rehearsals we will see progress. We will also see mistakes that we have repeated or mistakes that we have made in the new design. In any case, that will help us correct them. One way to get it right is to first try doing it wrong in various ways, because it’s part of a process. That process will lead you to the final result, only if you keep drawing. Since if we remain in error, it will be that; a drawing with glitches, not a test.
  • Time:
    If we want to have our drawing for Christmas, as many of us have once thought, time is important. If we want to do this project calmly and without any pressure, we should start a few months before. This will allow us to move at our own pace and not see the date just around the corner. It is better that we spare time and be able to save the drawing than due to lack of time we give it poor finishes. This happens a lot and it’s a shame. A drawing that is really beautiful due to its structure and development, with a finish and touch-ups made in a hurry, does not shine. Therefore, if we do not want to throw away the work done for a long time, we must also give ourselves more for the final touches.
  • Visualize:
    At all times of drawing we must have the exact image that we want to represent in view. In each stroke or part of the drawing we have to pay attention to the image and try to represent it in our own way. Interpreting even the smallest detail is what makes people’s jaws drop. We can also imagine the surroundings of the tree. It will help us to know how to draw a house.
  • Spirit:
    One piece of advice we have, if we want to capture the spirit of Christmas in our drawing, is to add Christmas decorations. Apart from the Christmas balls and the shooting star, if we add some gifts at the base of the tree we will achieve this objective. We can also add some typical hanging Christmas stockings. Although it is important not to go overboard with the accessories, since these are there to enhance the drawing itself. Not to get all the limelight. This is a limit that we must keep in mind since drawing a tree overloaded with decorations prevents us from seeing the same tree.
    Taking into account all these keys we can start our project. Regardless of the result, what matters is always the intention. No matter how it turns out, it’s sure to be a nice reminder of Christmas for our family. Surely it helps us to know how to draw a tree.

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