How To Decorate Glasses

When decorating glasses there is a world of possibilities. If you are going to give a party, both for children and adults, or you simply like to decorate the objects in your home, here we will give you some fantastic ideas. In addition, decorating glasses will not only help us decorate our party. It can also help us to spend quality time doing something nice. Likewise, we can ask the people around us to lend us a hand. In this way, we will share a pleasant pastime with the people close to us.

To begin with, we must choose what type of glass we want to decorate. We can decorate plastic cups or glass cups. If you are thinking of organizing a party, perhaps the best thing to do is to decorate plastic cups. Because it is already known that at a party the glasses, plates, etc. usually fall to the ground and could break or burst. On the other hand, if you have in mind to redecorate your house and you are thinking of giving a touch of life to your glasses, it would be better to choose crystal glasses. But, like everything in life, everyone is free to choose what they like best and what suits them best.

Well, now that we have decided what type of glass we are going to decorate, it is time to ask ourselves how we are going to decorate them.

Decorate plastic cups

  • Let’s start with the plastic cups. People who decorate plastic cups for parties or social gatherings do so because, although they opt for an economical option, they are still elegant. Here are some ideas for decorating plastic cups:

We use decorative tapes

  • The simplest idea, but at the same time it is still elegant and cute, are the decorative ribbons. These tapes have a specific name in the market and that is Washi Tape. All you have to do is choose the decorative drawing that you like the most. Then cut pieces of tape and surround the glasses with them. To have a more sophisticated effect, it is better if all the glasses have the decorative ribbon at the same height. This is a great idea for when you have a lot of things to organize at the party and you don’t have much time to spend on the glasses. The good thing is that you will have a really nice result.

With pennants

  • If you are organizing a birthday party or a fun meeting with friends, this is your option. And also very simple. You only have to buy a rope and tesa film or decorative papers. All we have to do is cut pieces of tesa film or paper that have pictures or funny motifs and stick them on a piece of string. In this way, the pieces of paper will be the small flags of the glasses. The string with several flags attached along it should go around the glass. In this way we will have some very funny glasses.

Animal glasses

  • If we are going to give a children’s party, these glasses will be great and everyone will surely like them. We have to buy colored glasses, for example, white for a hen, yellow for a chick, blue for a whale… Afterwards, we only have to cut pieces of cardboard and make the details of the animal. For example, for the chick, we need two triangular pieces of yellow card to place on the sides and make the wings. A piece of orange cardboard in the shape of a triangle to make the beak. And finally, with a permanent marker, we draw the chick’s eyes. Children will be delighted with the shapes of their glasses.

We use chalkboard paint

  • You may not have heard of chalkboard paint, but it exists and is perfect for decorating glasses. All we have to do is buy a bottle of this fantastic paint. Afterwards, we must paint a large enough strip around the glass. It is better if all the stripes are at the same level on the glasses. Then, when it dries, we just have to take chalk and write the names of the guests. In addition, the guests will be able to entertain themselves by painting pictures in their little glasses. This idea is great for serving individual drinks at gatherings of friends. They will surely want glasses like yours!

Decorate crystal glasses

  • Now it is the turn of the crystal glasses. People who decorate crystal glasses can do so with the intention of continuing to use them every day. Or, they may intend to use them as decorative objects. If you are going to reuse your glasses to decorate your house, it is more recommended that you use the oldest glasses. The only thing to keep in mind from now on is that, if we are going to continue using the glasses on a daily basis, we should not paint or touch the inside of the glass, since it is the one that is in contact with food. Here are some ways to decorate crystal glasses.

With nail polish

  • This is a totally low cost idea. If you do not want to spend a lot of money and want to have a well decorated house, this is your option. We just have to take the nail polishes that we have at home or we can even make the nail polish ourselves and let our imagination run wild. There are a thousand ways to decorate a glass with enamel. You can paint only the lower part, in the form of a garden, if you want to put a small plant inside. Or in any other way that occurs to you. The important thing is that you have a good time doing it and that you like the result.

Animals for children

  • If you have children or want to give a gift to a child (and not so young) this alternative is undoubtedly the best. You only have to buy some animal figures or whatever the child likes best. Then, we have to choose a glass and, in this case, it is better if the glass is opaque. Finally, we just have to put an appropriate glue on the figurine and stick it on one side of the glass. In this way, we can get a unique cup.

Drawing the glasses

  • If you’re good at drawing and your pulse doesn’t shake, try your natural talent to decorate some pretty glasses. You only need a permanent marker of the color that you prefer. Then, we have to clean and dry the surface of the glass that we are going to paint very well. Now you just have to think about what you want to draw and paint it with the permanent marker. It is better that you make simple and clear drawings. This could be a very original and personal gift.

Stickers on glasses

  • If you are not very good at drawing but you want to have some nice drawings on your glasses, this is your right choice. You only need a black contact paper. You can search the internet for the design of the drawing that you like the most. Next, you must print it and, with the help of a pencil, trace it on the contact paper. Once you have the drawing made on the contact paper, cut it out with scissors or a cutter and paste it directly on the glass. In this way, we will have beautiful drawings on our glasses without knowing how to draw.
  • We hope this article has helped you when decorating glasses. And you know, there is nothing better than having a nice party or a well decorated house.

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