How To Decorate Bottles

In these times, it is very important to recycle. However, this does not have to be unsightly and boring. Reusing bottles is an elegant and colorful option, so today we will tell you how to decorate glass bottles. These bottles will give a unique touch to the place where you decide to put them. It is an economical, simple and very fun decoration to make.

Best of all, it doesn’t involve spending a ton of money. Most decorative items tend to be expensive, but this is not the case with bottles. It is a pleasant and practical decorative. Besides, you can give it your own style.

Making your own decorations allows you to express yourself and leave your style in each one of them. When you buy the decorations, it may happen that you do not find something that really represents you or makes you happy. By making your own decorations with glass bottles you forget about this problem. Here, it is you who has the command and the free will to design what you like.

Glass bottles are a blank canvas. There are thousands of ways you can decorate them, it all depends on you and what you like best. They can be timeless decorations, or props for a theme party. You can accompany them with flowers, sand, salts, painted rice, among others. There really are no limits to what you can do. Let your imagination run wild and allow yourself to marvel at the results of your own work.

Today we will try to explain as many techniques as possible in which you can decorate your bottles. However, don’t let this list be exclusive. The main goal is to inspire you to make your own designs. You can mix the ideas that we present here as you see fit, or you can form your own technique based on the ones that we share with you today.

We know you’re excited to learn how to decorate bottles, so let’s get started on this adventure. Remember, nothing is wrong. Express everything you want to express and don’t be shy. The important thing is that you enjoy it!

What use can I give my decorated bottles?

  • Decorated bottles are highly versatile ornaments. You can give it a lot of practical and diverse uses. They really can be used for anything you can imagine. There are no restrictions.
  • In general, as we have already been saying, they are used as ornaments or decorative items. They can be decorations by themselves with their design, or be complemented with other decorations. You can accompany them with flowers, shiny stones, shells, and a great etcetera. It’s up to you.
  • They can also be used as more specific decorations, for parties or celebrations. There are techniques in which bottles are turned into Halloween lamps or scary designs are made on them. We repeat, it is a blank canvas that depends solely on your creativity. And of course, whatever you want to express.
  • If you are one of the most daring and inventive, you can even expand your options. Chandeliers, lamps, candle holders, and even fountains and birdbaths can be made from decorated bottles. Even a bowl of snacks, if you wanted it.
  • In short, a decorated bottle can easily be anything you want. There are no limits to the uses for these cute and simple crafts. What are you waiting for to start making your own decorated bottles? Read on to find out how to make decorated bottles that won’t meet any competition.

Instructions for decorating bottles

As we told you before, there are a lot of techniques to decorate bottles. You can choose the one that best suits your style. Or, if this is your first time decorating a bottle, you can start with the technique that you think is easiest for you. Here we will give you a few ideas, but it all depends on you.

How to paint your glass bottles

Decorating your bottle can be as simple as painting it. To do so, you can use various methods. You have to take into account what type of paint is best for you to use. You can use stained glass paint, it is the most recommended. However, it is not the only option. Other options may be spray paint, oil-based paint, or latex paint. The latter is special for decorations that will be outside, as it better supports temperature changes.

In order to decorate and paint your bottles, you will need to make sure to prepare the place where you will paint the bottles. Find a pile of newspaper, so you don’t ruin the table where you work. Also try to wear gloves because some types of paint can leave tricky stains on your skin. It would not hurt if you used old clothes that you are not afraid of spoiling.

Of equal importance is that you clean the bottles very well. Be sure to remove all traces of fat, liquor or water that may be in the bottle. It is important that it is very dry when painting it, otherwise the results may not be satisfactory. Remember, it is important that both the exterior and interior are clean and dry.

Now that you know this, you must choose the way you want to paint your bottle. There are a lot of ways you can paint it, here are some options:

  1. Paint the bottle from the inside. If you do this, the result will be more uniform and clean. If you want, you can add life to your design by painting on the outside as well.
  2. To do this, use a syringe filled with the color of your choice. Carefully, distribute the color inside your bottle helping you with the syringe. Move, roll and rock it so that the color covers the entire bottle.
  3. Spray paint the bottle. This is much faster and more practical, since you only have to spray the paint in the bottle. In addition, you will have a cleaner and more uniform finish. You just have to make sure to protect your nose and mouth with a mask.
  4. Paint the bottle on the outside. This technique requires more effort. It is undoubtedly very relaxing and fun, but you will have to be a perfectionist and pay attention to details. It is based on painting the bottle on the outside with the help of a brush. Beware of bubbles or lines that may arise and spoil your work.
  5. Use nail polish. This technique is somewhat simpler. It is about making small dots or little shapes with the nail polish. This can be a great choice if you are looking for something more understated or minimalist.
  6. Use masking tape to create patterns. If you tape zigzags or lines in a pattern, you can make an elaborate and cute design. Once you have all the tape attached, spray paint your bottle and remove it. You will see how beautiful it is.

Regardless of the technique you choose, try to put your painted bottle in the oven. Leave it for at least 45 minutes at a temperature of 150 degrees so that the paint stays in place. Do not limit yourself and exploit your creativity.

How to decorate bottles using napkins

This technique is called decoupage. In this technique, what we do is paste cut images on some surface. Although it is more common and easier to do with napkins, other types of paper can be used. The napkin, however, is very effective due to its porosity and its easy absorption.

For this technique we will need napkins decorated with a theme that we like, white glue, a brush and scissors. The process is extremely easy and the results are beautiful. Follow these instructions to the letter and you will be very proud of the results.

  1. We will cut out our favorite figures from the napkins along the edge.
  2. Put the figures in the bottle, where you want them to be.
  3. With the help of the brush, cover the figure with white glue.
  4. Let dry.

Clever! It’s very easy to do, and it looks even better when your bottles are pre-painted. You see this is a very simple technique and it really makes any table or living room come alive.

Use exterior elements

Once you have the bottle painted or decorated with shapes, really most of the work is done. However, you can help yourself with some exterior elements. Here are some ideas so you can make your decorated bottles even more beautiful:

  • Painted rice. One option is to fill the bottle (as long as you can see the inside) with painted rice. You can do it yourself, cooking it with a few drops of vegetable coloring.
  • Bottles can make great vases, and they will look very cute and creative. In fact, in addition to flowers, you can combine it with the painted rice from before.
  • You can add large or small bows around the bottle for a feminine touch. In bright colors that match the paint you applied to it, it will look phenomenal.
  • You can put strings of lights, like Christmas lights, so that in contrast to the paint you applied, it causes a nice effect. It is ideal for decorating personal rooms.

And the list can go on and on and on. As we have already said, everything depends on you. You can add whatever you want to your decorated bottles, because in themselves, they are beautiful.

What do you need to decorate bottles?

To make all of these crafts, you will need a variety of materials. However, the vast majority of them can be found at home or in nearby stores at an affordable price. Among those materials are:

  •  Newspaper, latex gloves, masks and old clothes. These are NECESSARY to avoid making a mess or messing something up. With newspaper you will protect the surface on which you will paint the bottles. With the gloves you will avoid staining your hands, and with the mask you will protect yourself from the strong odors that the paints may have.
  • This will vary according to your needs. We recommend oil-based or stained glass paint. If you use another, more opaque type of paint, you can apply a layer of white glue or nail varnish to give it a more colorful effect.
  • Thin, thick, as you prefer. To distribute the paint in the bottle and prevent bubbles or other bulges from forming.
  •  Scissors and glue. White glue, preferably. These materials will be necessary if you decide to do the technique of
  •  Rice and vegetable coloring.
  •  bottles! Liquor, soda, water, wine, whatever! Any glass bottle will do. They don’t have to go in the trash, they can be a cute decorative item that will make everyone envy.

Tips for decorating bottles

In itself, decorating bottles is economical because it uses more than all elements found in the home. Besides, it is a friendly activity to the environment because we recycle and reuse glass. Here are some tips to save money when decorating bottles:

  1. Use paints you already have at home. It is not necessary to buy new paint, you may have leftover paints at home that will work for you.
  2. Make your own painted rice. Instead of spending money on rice or colored sand, you can make it yourself and save a little money.
  3. Make your own decorations. You don’t need to buy bows, or even flowers. You can make butterflies, flowers or bows with materials as simple as paper or decorative ribbons.

And so on. We hope that with this guide you have managed to learn how to decorate bottles and thus make incredible decorations for your home or for a gift. It is a nice alternative to ordinary decoration. Until next time!

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