How To Dance In A Disco

Do you want to know how to dance in a disco ? Well, it really will depend on many things, since there are all kinds and for all tastes; It is not the same if you are going to dance rock, ska, salsa, regue, ballads, merengue, among others. Some are made for group or individual dances, as is the case with rock, but others basically require a partner, such as merengue. Going to dance is a way of leisure, of having social relationships and even meeting people, it is also a change to everyday life, which allows us to relax; Regardless of the environment, we leave you below some tips that may be useful to you.

Remember that you are with your friends, if they suddenly start making fun of you for the way you dance, just go with the flow, the idea above all is to have fun and share with them.

Instructions for dancing in a disco

  1. Don’t be shy: if you’re not an expert in dancing, it doesn’t matter, discotheques are designed for that, see that they have a very good complement that is low light, accompanied by strover and colored lights, which will make The dance is not very noticeable and what you are doing is seen better. Just listen well to the music and try to keep up with it.
  2. The rhythm: to follow the rhythm, pay a little attention to the music, listen well where the bass leads, once you pick up the rhythm there is no reason to be ashamed, throw yourself into the ring, then do not concentrate only on the music since you will not you will have fun
  3. Couple: if they ask you to dance and you are a woman, follow in the man’s footsteps, that’s all, don’t try to stand out more than him if you dance better, the idea is that the two of you look good and in sync. Don’t get too attached to him at first, see how things are going.
  4. The dance: if you don’t know how to dance very well, all you have to do are movements that are smooth, move your feet and your arms at the same time, when you see that the rhythm is clear, continue with your constant movement, this will help you.
  5. As we mentioned before, in clubs you don’t have to be an expert in dancing, but if you want to feel better, you can find many dance videos on the internet that can help you.
  6. You can also observe how others are dancing and follow their steps.
  7. For women it is good that they know that their way of dancing can also communicate a lot, you can be relaxed or insinuating; If you do it as the second option, it is very likely that more men will approach you, although of course the man can do it too.
  8. If you think you are going to make a fool of yourself dancing in a disco, what you can do is first rehearse several steps at home until you find the ones that are most suitable for you, do it in front of the mirror.
  9. In summary, the main elements you need to dance at a partyor dance in a disco are: rhythm, fun and self-confidence. This is not a dance contest, you are not being graded, always remember that.

Tips for dancing in a disco

  • Discotheques like those specialized in rock are quite good for those who don’t know how to dance, because everyone dances in their own style and it doesn’t matter, almost everything looks good.
  • Remember that you went to enjoy and not to stress, so dance calmly without thinking if you are doing it well, have fun with your company.
  • If you step on your partner while dancing, turn it into a joke, don’t stress or feel embarrassed, the idea is to have a good time and not hurt your night.
  • Generally women are the ones who must adapt to the man’s steps, but if you think you may feel lost you can adapt to hers. When you start dancing with a girl she takes one of her hands and grabs her around her waist.
  • Latin music will always have more flavor, so add a special movement of the hips.
  • Remember that knowing how to dance is not essential to be able to flirt in a disco, in fact, some boys or girls may like your authenticity more than that you are the same as everyone else. If you’ve gone to a disco, it’s because you want to dance, if it’s to stay at the bar, it’s better to go to a bar, although of course it’s a matter of taste…
  • In discos you need more to know how to move, not exactly dance.
  • The volume in discos is quite high, so if you intend to dance with a girl, don’t ask her, just come closer and she will understand what you are trying to do and observe her reaction.

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