How To Dance Bachata

Bachata is a Latin dance that today -together with salsa and merengue- is very fashionable. And it is that this dance of Dominican roots spreads joy and passion to all those who start in its footsteps. Always accompanied by very lively and catchy music that encourages you to move your hips without wanting to, bachata is a dance style that anyone can dance, since the basic steps are very simple and from there you gradually learn. In fact, bachata music is heard today in many nightclubs and nightclubs, since both the dance and the music that accompanies it unleash passion, joy and sensuality. Thus, bachata results from the perfect combination between the exalted romanticism of the bolero and the sensual and rhythmic movements of bachata itself. In addition, although there are pure bachata songs, on the other hand, traditionally pop or ballad artists and well-known internationally -such as Juan Luis Guerra- in recent years have also begun to play bachata songs. All in all, a dance that is flourishing a lot, drawing the attention of all the social masses. So, if you want to learn to move your hips and feet to the rhythm of bachata, today at  we will explain how to dance bachata.

Instructions to dance bachata

  1. First of all, we must advise you to look for a partner with whom you have complicity. If it is not possible, you should not worry, since you can learn to dance bachata without a partner and individually. Even so, if you manage to do it with a partner who drives you -the man is the one who drives-, it will be easier.
  2. On the other hand, you should look for a large place to practice -it can be your dining room or room if you try to separate the things you have in between- and if possible with a mirror in front of you so you can look at yourself; You can put on some heels -as long as you control them and they are not too high- to feel more sensual and put more
  3. With all this in mind, let’s start with the steps. In this case, the basic bachata steps are: two small steps to the right and hip movement, that is, you must move to the right side to the rhythm of the music in two beats and finish the two steps to the right with a movement hip dry to the opposite side -left- gently raising the heel of the left foot to give you some momentum and gain style. The movement should be 1, 2, 3, hip. Thus, the hands and arms should accompany you, moving gently to the rhythm of the music at the height of the hips and quite close to the trunk.
  4. The next step should be exactly the same as explained above but to the opposite That is, we move to the left and when doing the two steps, the hip that is raised is the right one. Therefore, you must create a coming and going from side to side; from the center you must do ‘1,2,3 hip’ to the right -the steps must be to open and close the legs, two steps to the side-, ‘1,2,3, hip’ to the left. It is very important that you follow the rhythm of the music ; the steps must follow the tempo of the music that is playing.
  5. Once you have this clear, we can introduce laps. To do this, you must follow what was explained above and from there add; on ‘1’you must put your foot down to start the turn, on time ‘2’ turn around, on time ‘3’ finish the turn and situate yourself and on ‘hip’ make the running stroke the same as in the step simple.
  6. Now it’s time to put the two together. Thus, we are going to explain how to apply what has been explained to partner Therefore, you must stand in front of each other and hold hands leaving half a meter from each other. Thus, start moving both to the same side and doing the steps at the same time and the hip movement also at the same time. Thus, with our hands joined, we begin ‘ 1,2,3, hip ‘.
  7. You can do it twice for one side and twice for the other; keep in mind that the entire step -two steps and hip to the left and the same to the right- must add up to 8exact times. So you can add a lap on beat 4 and finish it on beat 8; ‘ 1,2,3, hip ‘ to the left, then we put our foot down (beat 4), turn around and turn completely (beat 5 and 6), put our foot down and hold hands again (beat 7) and hip strike (count 8).
  8. With these steps, you will already have the base to dance bachata. Now, you only have to go to musical places where other couples go to practice and from there let yourself go and try new figures of a more advanced

What do you need to dance bachata?

  •  Bachata music.
  • Space to practice.
  • Mirror -recommended-.
  •  Dance partner -not essential but highly recommended-.
  • Time, patience and dedication.

Tips for dancing bachata

  • To dance bachata, music is very important ; To do this, you can research artists who play bachata music on You Tube. It is as simple as entering the official website of You Tube and entering the words ‘Música de Bachata’.
  • The attitude is very important like this, you must feel sensual when dancing bachata. Similarly, you should always follow the rhythm of the music and not miss the beat.

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