How To Crochet Flowers

Weaving has been a very characteristic practice of elderly people, those of us who did not have a grandmother, who always knitted us some little detail, but in recent years, this practice has increased its implementation, and the ages of those who decide to practice it have varied. From a very young age, there are those who are interested in doing this activity, many even consider the fabric as something therapeutic, because it is one of the most relaxing activities that exist, it is ideal to combat stress, it helps to develop concentration, and of course, it helps you to vary your routines, to escape from them, and it can even generate extra income for you, if you do it with a focus rather than hobbies, as something commercial.

Crochet, or crochet, is one of the knitting techniques that has regained the greatest interest, because with it, there are many things that can be done, from flowers, bows, ornaments, whatever you decide, with dedication and time. you will be able to achieve, the name of this weaving technique is due to the needle used, which is different from the conventional ones, it is much shorter and it can also be made of various materials, metal, wood, bamboo and even plastic, the choice will depend on your preferences, the one that generates the most comfort when working, these have varied over time, precisely depending on the search for this objective, the comfort of whoever performs this technique, for better results to be able to To achieve, crochet, also known as crochet, uses wool or thread as material, depending on what you are going to create.

If you want to dabble in this practice of crochet, but you have no experience, don’t worry, do not hesitate to do it, it is very simple, with the necessary materials, and following the instructions and advice that I will provide you here, you can easily do this technique, you just have to dedicate it some time, in this case, we will focus on making flowers with the use of the crochet, once you master it, you can do anything else. With the flowers made, you can decorate garments, make details to give as gifts, or whatever you want, they are really beautiful, and you can do a variety of models, so come on, go ahead and make crochet flowers, pay attention to the steps, concentrate and practice Only in this way will you be able to master the technique. Ahead.

What do you need to make crochet flowers?

  • Cloth
  • Materials

Instructions for making crochet flowers

  1. The basis for mastering the crochet technique is to manage each of the terms that are used, depending on the type of knot, turn, or in short, any step that can be indicated.
  2. To start the elaboration of the first flower, we begin with making a series of stitches that take the form of a chain, specifically 5 stitches, and to finish this step, you must tie the last one with the first one, making a slip stitch, also called stitch dwarf.
  3. Later you will make 3 new stitches, we continue maintaining the chain shape, but in this case we will make a double stitch, and then we will make 3 more successive stitches, this should generate a kind of ring, within this ring that we have already created, we will make 2 stitches more, and finally, continuing with the
  4. The process that we have carried out so far, in instruction number 2, must be repeated at least 4 times, the ring that is generated from this process, we conclude it with a double crochet and finally we make a slip stitch, to join the hoop, to the third chain that has been made.
  5. The next step is to make a series of stitches in each hole that has been generated during the development of the chains, which will go in the following order: a single crochet, a half double crochet, a double crochet, a double half double crochet., and finally, a double treble crochet.
  6. Up to this point, we have made the middle structure of the flower,later, we are going to proceed to make its petals, to achieve the entire desired structure, that is, a beautiful flower.
  7. We must make three new chains, which will be closed among themselves, with the elaboration of a low point, made in the first chain.
  8. Now the succession of a series of stitches will be made, in descending order, which must go in the following order, a double double crochet, a double half double crochet, a double crochet, a half double crochet, and then finish with a single crochet..
  9. You will have to repeat procedure number 8, in each of the rings that had previously been made, so that you can build each of the corresponding petals.
  10. When you have finished each petal, close the last one by making a slip stitch, in the first single crochet.
  11. Up to this point, we have halfway covered, we have made the first part of the flower, now we will proceed to make the second.

Preparation of the second flower.

  1. To give the flower a better touch, you can change the color of the yarn that you have used up to now, turn the flower that we have already made, to start the process of the second one.
  2. To start, we introduce the water with the new wool, between the two high points of the flower that we made previously, the idea is to then remove the water through the hole in the middle.
  3. You must make a loop with the wool, and start with a double high point.
  4. You will continue with the construction of 6 chains, these must be tied with a double treble crochet, but guiding you with the stitches of the same type of the first flower. This procedure must be repeated, until you get a total of 5 high points.
  5. The next thing will be to make g chains, which will be tied with a slip stitch, made specifically in the first double crochet.
  6. To make the petals and complete the second flower, and in total the structure that you hope to achieve, to make the petals, you must carry out the same procedure as in instructions 7, 8 and 9, of the previous flower, we have carried out.
  7. Finally you will have obtained a beautiful flower, which different uses you can give it.

Tips for making crochet flowers

  1. If you are a beginner in crocheting, the first thing you should do is to know a little about each of the basic terms of this type of fabric, as well as familiarize yourself with each of the stitches, the way in which it is executed and when it is ideal implement them.
  2. In the same way, you must provide yourself with the necessary instruments, such as the needle of the material of your choice, if you like, buy two different needles and try both, to see which one best suits your style, buy the appropriate wool, and use different colors, to obtain better results, in the projects that you decide to do.
  3. The crocheted flowers are ideal for anything you decide to decorate, to make memories, for example, the one we made earlier, is ideal for a centerpiece, if you put a bowl on the flora, you will get a very beautiful design.
  4. Try this technique, it’s very simple, and as I told you before, it can even be therapeutic, because stress can be reduced and controlled.
  5. For the practice of crochet, there is no specific age, only the desire to learn, and the willingness to execute this technique.

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