How To Assemble A Cube

Sometimes we see geometric figures that we would like to try, including the cube, but we don’t know how to assemble a cube. That is why it is important to know what kind of geometric figure it is and what we can do with it. You may not only have doubts about how to assemble a cube, but also about what you can assemble it with. But don’t worry, here you will find solutions to all those doubts.

The best-known cube worldwide is the Rubik’s cube, and there are even competitions to solve it in the shortest possible time. If you’re curious about how to get it solved, I recommend reading How to Solve a Rubik’s Cube.

There are many types of cubes that we use in our daily lives and we don’t realize it. But it is true that when we are about to do it in math classes or as a hobby, everything gets complicated. We should not get frustrated if we start our path of manufacturing cubes, in all its aspects, and it doesn’t come out the first time. Learning from our failures is the best we can do, that and teaming up with a rubber.

If you don’t know how to assemble cubes, well, you can almost with any material, but it is true that with some it is easier than with others. Cardboard cubes, for example, are perfect for wrapping gifts inside. Being able to create a unique design for the person who receives the gift, feeling special.

You can also make it out of paper, to a giant size, and turn it into the giant dice that is the protagonist of a game. The cubes have many possibilities, we just have to give free rein to our imagination. This will get us to give more than one use to the cube that we put together, mainly as a craft.

We must take into account the benefits that playing Rubik’s cube or doing the craft of assembling a cube can bring us. Develop good spatial knowledge that helps us channel learning to other areas. In the case of the Rubik’s cube, we also promote the ability to retain information and mathematics.

What is a cube? – How to assemble a cube

  • If you take a look at cubes that are already made, you might get the feeling that they are very complicated. But no, they are very easy to make and above all they leave room for creativity. It is true that before we get down to business, it is necessary to learn interesting information about cubes.
  • Can you tell how many edges a cube has? And how many faces or vertices does it have? Surely if we ask you to calculate the volume of the cube you may hesitate, but don’t worry, we are not in an exam. But they are interesting things that are good to know to share with the rest.
  • A cube is a three-dimensional shape that has all of its right angles. And it has a height, a width and a depth with equal dimension. Cubes have 6 square faces and have 8 vertices and 12 edges. Anything that has a shape resembling a cube is called “cubic” in shape. The cube is a geometric shape that we can find in other geometric shapes, with the difference in dimensions. That is, a square is like a cube but in two dimensions instead of three.
  • When making crafts where the cubes are the protagonists, we can use different materials. Paper, cardboard and cardboard are the most used for these purposes, due to their easy handling. In this article you will find how to make a cube with the origami technique. A bit more complicated, but when you get the hang of it you get wonderful results. To make cubes with other materials, such as paper or cardstock, you can read articles like How to make a cardboard cube or How to make a cube.

What do you need to assemble a cube?

  • A square of paper has to have the same measurements on all sides.
  • It can be any color we want.
  • Scissors.
  • Pencil.
  • Rubber.
  • Markers or colors to create your design on the outside of the cube.

Instructions to assemble a cube

  1. Start with a fold: make a simple fold as if you were making a ship’s sail. Grab the top left corner and fold the square of paper into a triangle. Once it is well marked, unfold and take the opposite corner and fold until it is equally marked, forming another triangle. You should have an X left on the square of paper.
  2. Mountain Fold: You will now notice that you have 4 small triangles. You should take the upper triangle and fold it in half, as if you were clapping. Do the same exercise with the triangle at the bottom.
  3. Join all the parts: once you have completed the previous step, you must put the triangle that was on your right as if it were a sandwich, and the triangles that we folded “clapping” in the previous step, remain inside as if they were the ham and cheese. Being the triangle that was on the left side without folding, like the bottom cover of our sandwich.
  4. Now it’s time for the folds: at the top of our sandwich, we must take each corner and fold it up to the upper corner of the triangle. Thus we will create two small well-defined triangles. Once you have them, it is time to take the corners that are furthest from the center, and bring them closer to the line that separates both triangles that we created 10 seconds ago. We get two smaller triangles. All these triangles must be marked well and with pressure so that they do not come undone.
  5. We continue to fold with energy: a crucial moment arrives in our cube. Now we must take the upper corners of the triangles that we created and that are still free, and fold them down. Once we do, we must introduce them into the space inside the small triangles that we have created in the previous step.
  6. Go the other way!: Now it is time to carry out steps 5 and 6 with the lower part of our sandwich. Carefully and without haste, if we make a mistake we start over.
  7. The moment of truth has arrived: at one end, you will quickly realize that a hole will form. Don’t worry, that’s where you’ll have to hit for your cube to form. Take that place where the hole is and press so you can see how your cube is formed. It will be very tight, but don’t worry.
  8. Finishing touches: with your fingers, round all the edges of your cube to make it perfect and add the design you want without pressing too much.

Tips for building a cube

  • Browse designs and ways to assemble cubes.
  • do not despair
  • Try it as many times as you need.
  • Do not always make the same type of cubes, vary materials and colors, so you will always be curious.
  • Be creative and creative.
  • Look for options so that the cubes you have built do not remain just cubes, but can be something else: gift wrapping, garlands, Christmas decorations, etc.
  • Use it as a way to end your anxiety or stress, either by making mistakes a thousand times or by painting cubes that you already have assembled.
  • Share your hobby with your friends or colleagues, if you do this craft with more people, you will enjoy it twice as much

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