Bread Bin With Ice Cream Sticks

Crafts with ice cream sticks are very easy, entertaining and develop creativity because each idea brings with it another and thus the projects multiply.

Working with ice cream sticks has many advantages because you do not need many elements, small children can do it since there is no danger, the older ones can do more elaborate projects and they are simply glued with plastic glue, which makes them really cheap and affordable jobs. They are within everyone’s reach. Not only do children like it, but for many adults it is a true hobby.

There are a large number of crafts with ice cream sticks: pencil holders, bread bins, fruit bowls, boxes with lids to store jeweler, portrait holders, and for the older and more patient constructions can be made: houses, castles, trucks, etc. It’s all a matter of imagination and research to find models.

We will see how to make this bread box with ice cream sticks, we will explain the basic technique that will allow you to develop and invent new crafts.

What do you need

  • 70 popsicle sticks
  • plastic glue to paste or another type of adhesive.
  • varnish or acrylic paint (optional)


  1. To make this bread box with ice cream sticks you don’t need a lot of time, just prepare the materials and get to work.
  2. For this size of bread box, 70 sticks will be enough, with this shape you will not be able to add more because, as you will see, when you finish the last row they will be joined at the ends and this will indicate that you can no longer continue increasing the height. In the event that you want to make for a large table, for many people it is convenient to make several bread boxes like this one, they look great if you place one bread box for every four people on the table. You can also use it as a fruit bowl or to serve cookies.
  3. Let’s start with the base: Place 10 ice cream sticks parallel, one next to the other, forming a square, then glue5 sticks perpendicular to these in the center of the square. When the glue dries, you must turn the work over: the 10 sticks will be the base of the bread bin and the 5 will be towards the bottom side and are the ones that will be in contact with the table.
  4. Now we will begin to form the bread basket and give it height. Look at the figure and place 6 sticks on the square base, forming a hexagon with the points sticking out. For this, first place three sticks forming an open triangle and then the other three. When you have tried how they will be, glue the first three to the base and then the other three on the first ones.
  5. The next step is to continue hitting threes, as you did in the previous step but moving the sticks out about half a centimeter to give it an opening. If you do it very close, at less than half a centimeter it will be very closed and if you do it more open it will be very flat. For this reason it is advisable to test before gluing the sticks.
  6. When you have finished your bread box you can give it a coat of varnish to protect it.


  • The ice cream sticks are bought and are very cheap but you can also put them together and ask your friends to save them for you, then you wash them and let them dry, so they will look like new.
  • Crafts with ice cream sticks can be left in their natural state, with the color of the wood, but if you want to give it protection, you can varnish or paint it at the end of the job.
  • If you want to test how your work will look, you can assemble the bread box without gluing the sticks, this will allow you to see if you want to make changes or if it is to your liking.

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