10 Infallible Color Combinations

Making color combinations is not easy, as colors may not always blend the way we want them to, something that can be a problem for many artists.

Whether you want to dress well, or if you want to decorate your house or if you want to paint something, making good color combinations is essential, since this can help your work to attract more attention and to focus the action on a certain point that you want to focus

Many people use similar colors to combine, something that despite not clashing much, does not attract attention at all. It is better to use colors that contrast with each other, since in this way, we will be able to have a more passionate work, which attracts more attention and is built in a better way than a work without contrasts of any kind.

To make good contrasts, you can rely on both the chromatic circle and the intensity of the colors, trying to bring opposite colors and join them together so that they contrast. The example of black and white is the most typical because they are the two colors that contrast the most with each other.

If you don’t know what contrast and the chromatic wheel are, it’s better that I show you some examples of colors that combine with each other first of all, so that you get an idea about how you should combine the colors in the right way next time. Without further ado, here we go.


  1. Black and white:
    The first combination of all is black and white, since it is the contrast at its bestand mixes two simple but elegant colors at the same time. For example, look at the elegant suits, which combine a black jacket with a white shirt, thus creating a contrast that means elegance at its best.
  2. Cyan blue and red:
    Now we go with the second combination with two opposites on the color wheel, that is, light blue or cyan and red. These colors are opposites of all life and symbolize the opposite, since one means passion and the other calm, just as one symbolizes the sea and another the fire, two other opposite terms both in real life and in art. Seeing these colors together will certainly attract attention.
  3. Dark green and dark blue:
    These two colors do not contrast as much as others, since being of the same light intensity they do not attract much attention, however, this contrast is elegant, soft and can be ideal for making combinations when dressing. For example, imagine blue pants with a dark green jacket, it would look great without a doubt.
  4. Blue and Yellow:
    Blue and yellow are opposite colors just like red and blue, but the change isn’t as jarring to the eyeas yellow is less intense than red. Use it when you want a contrast between cold and warm but without going too far with the visual effect you want to cause.
  5. Blue and orange:
    Orange is the fusion between red and yellowand is a full-fledged warm color that will also contrast perfectly with blue just like its brothers on the color wheel. This contrast is higher than blue and yellow but lower than blue and red, so use it when you want an intermediate reaction between the two.
  6. Red and grey:
    Red and gray are not opposite on the color wheel, but they are opposite in color intensity, since red is an intense, passionate and energetic color and gray is as dull as there is. Mixing these two colors can cause a contrast reaction and can be ideal for decorating your home as it is a good color combination.
  7. Light Brown and Light Violet:
    Brown and violet are opposites on the color wheel and therefore go together very well because they contrast completely. That if, being of similar intensities, we will not have a very loud combination, joining the list of color combinations suitable for dressing elegantly and beautifully at the same time.
  8. Green and Magenta:
    Green and magenta are opposite colors, since dark pink or magenta represents the opposite of green. The truth is that this color combination does not match much, but it attracts a lot of attention because it is a great contrast between the two, only surpassed by red and blue and white and black.
  9. Lime green and violet:
    After a loud combination, we return to an elegant combination, with lime green (light green) and violet, being a variant of the combination of green and magenta but much lighter and simpler. Without a doubt, I like this combination much more than the previous one, because it is much more elegant and less strident.
  10. Yellow and magenta:
    Finally two basic colors that contrast with each other, that is, yellow and magenta. These colors are complete opposites and are capable of creating shades of reds if combined. The combination of primary or basic colors always causes a sensation, because they are usually different colors that attract a lot of attention if they are put together.

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